Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Natural disasters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Natural disasters - Essay Example Earthquakes manifest themselves on the surface of the earth by shaking and at times displacing the ground. There is a long history of seismic activity and earthquakes in Japan .Japan is a region characterized by high seismicity due to its location which is near main tectonic plate borders and is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire. Geologically the Japanese islands are as a consequence of many big oceanic movements taking place more than hundreds of millions of years ago. Originally Japan was attached to the Eurasian continent’s eastern coast. Since the Eurasian plates were less deep than the subducting plates, Japan was pulled eastwards forming the Sea of japan about fifteen million years ago (Smits,2014). Whereas on 23 August 416, an earthquake is mentioned in Yamato(present day Nara the Prefecture) initial earthquake to be dependably recorded occurred on28 May,599 in Nara prefecture ,during Empress Suiko’s reign, damaging buildings through the entire Yamato province. Several other historical accounts of earthquakes occurrences exist and with the creation of Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee in 1892, systematic collation of all available data was conducted and in 1899 published. The committee was suspended in 1923 after the occurrence of the Kanto earthquake and in 1925 and the Earthquake Research Institute superseded it (Clancey, 2006). The Kanto earthquake that occurred in 1923 is one of the deadliest in the history of Japan claiming about 105,385 deaths, whereas the Tohuku earthquake in 2011 is the costliest (USD 235 billion) and strongest earthquake on record. It is also the most costly natural disaster to occur globally to date. There are numerous other earthquakes that have occurred and have been recorded in the history of Japan. Nevertheless, the Tohuku earthquake of 11th march 2011 is the strongest in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Socialization Definition Essay Example for Free

Socialization Definition Essay Socialization: Lifelong (process) social experience by which people develop their human potential learn culture Personality: A persons fairly consistent patterns of acting, thinking and feeling The social Sciences: The role of Nurture * Psychologist John B Watson developed a theory called behaviorism, which holds that behaviour is not instinctive but learned. (Nature not nurture) * Nurture is our nature Studies of non human primates * Psychologist Harry and Margaret placed rhesus monkeys (surprisingly there behaviour is same as humans) in various conditions of social isolation – * They found that complete isolation for 6 months seriously disturbs the monkey’s development * Infant monkeys in cages with an artificial mother made of wire with wooden head – they survived by could not interact with others when placed in a group. * Harlow’s concluded it is important that adults cradle infants affectionately. * Infants monkey could recover from about three months of isolation – 3 months+ cause serious damage Studies of isolated children * Anna died at the age of 10 with a blood disorder. * Isabelle spoke around 2000 words. At the age of 14 she was in grade 6. * Genie abused by her parents. She was tied to a potty chair at the age of 2. She lives with adults. Sigmund Freud’s Elements of Personality Lived in Vienna at times when most Europeans considered human behaviour to be biologically fixed. Trained as a physician, Freud gradually turned to the study of personally and mental disorders. Basic Human Needs * Biology plays a major role in human development * Humans have two basic needs that are present at birth: * 1st sexual and emotional bonding (which is called life instinct) * 2nd death instinct or thanatos (Greek: death) * These opposing forces, operating at an unconscious level create deep inner tensions Freud’s Model of Personality * Freud combined basic needs the influence of society into a model of personality with 3 parts: * id (Latin word for It) – represents the human beings basic drive, which are unconscious demand immediate satisfaction. id is present at birth (newborn demand attention, touching and food). Society oppose the self centered id which is why the first words a child learns is no. * Ego (Latin word for I) – A persons conscious efforts to balance innate pleasure – seeking drives with the demands of society. This develops are we become aware of ourselves and at the same time realize that we cannot have everything we want. * Superego (Latin meaning above or beyond ego) – Is the cultural values and norms internalized by an individual. Tells us why we cannot have everything we want. This begins to form as a child becomes aware of parental demands and matures when a child understands everyone’s behaviour should take account cultural norms. BALANCE Freud’s Model of Personality id: The human beings basic drives| Ego: a person’s conscious efforts to balance innate pleasure – seeking drives with demands of society| Superego: the cultural values and norms internalized by an individual | Personality Development * If conflicts are not solved during childhood, they may surface as personality disorders later on * Culture in the form of superego, contains selfish demands – look beyond their own desires * Sublimation – redirects selfish drives into socially acceptable behaviour: Marriage = Sex / Sports = anger What are the three elements in Freud’s Model of personality? Explain how each one operates. Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development   Swiss psychologist studied human cognition – how people think and understand. (4 stages) * The sensorimotor stage: the level of human development at which individuals experience the world only though their senses. About 2 years – infant only knows the world through 5 senses. * The pre operational stage (enter at age 2): The level of human development at which individuals first use language and other symbols. In this stage, children begin to think about the world mentally and use imagination. (Toy as their fav but cannot explain what kinds of toys they like). They cannot judge size, weight, or volume. ( water cup example, age 5) * The concrete operational stage: the level of human development at which individuals first see causal connections in their surroundings. Around age 7-11 children focus on things and why they happen and also attach one more symbol to it. ( My birthday and Monday) * The formal operational stage: the level of human development at which individuals think abstractly and critically. Around age 12 young people begin to reason in depth. (Teacher and a job that helps others) Sensorimotor stage: the level of human development at which individuals experience the world only through (5) senses | Pre operational stage: The level of human development at which individuals first use language and other symbols | Concrete operational stage: the level of human development at which individuals first see causal connections in their surroundings | Formal operational stage:The level of human development at which individuals think abstractly and critically| What are Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development? What does his theory teach us about socialization? Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development (moral reasoning) * Pre conventional – how people judge situations as right or wrong (child grabs something shiny on the table CP) – individual needs * Conventional Level 2nd stage – appears by teen years. People tend to lose their selfishness. (stealing to help and stealing a ipad are different) * Post conventional level 3rd stage – people move beyond their society norms to consider abstract ethical principles. They think of freedom or justice. (Rosa Parks and racial injustice) What are Kohlberg’s three stages of moral development? What does his theory teach us about socialization? Carol Gilligan’s Theory of Gender and Moral Development * Compared the moral development of girls and boys = 2 genders use different standards of rightness * Boys: Justice perspective – formal rules to define right and wrong (stealing is wrong) Girls: care responsibility perspective – judging situation with a personal relationship (stealing to feed) * Rule based male reasoning as superior to the Pearson based female approach * Young girls start eager and confident but there self esteem slips away as they pass through adolescence * Why? because of socialization of girls According to Gilligan, how do boys and girls differ in their approach to understating right and wrong? Self: the part of an individual’s personality composed of self awareness and self image George Herbert Mead’s Theory of the Social Self * Developed a theory of social behaviourism to explain how social experience develops an individual’s personality * Meads central concept: The self.   * First: the self is not their at birth: it develops. Mead rejected the idea that personality is guided by biological drives (Freud said it is). * Second: self develops only with social experience, as people interact with others. Without interaction, the body grows but no self emerges. * Third: social: experience is the exchange of symbols. (we attach meaning with wave of hand, smile) * Fourth: seeking meaning leads us to imagine the intentions of others. * Fifth: understanding intention requires imagining the situation from the others point of view. (how someone will catch a ball we throw) – taking the role of the other)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Works of Andy Warhol Essay -- Andy Warhol Essays

The Pop Arts' movement began in the late 50's and early 60's. Dubbed, the founding father of the movement, Andy Warhol brought forward society's obsession with mass culture and allowed it to become the subject of art itself. Using many techniques such as isolation, repetition and colour placement, Warhol brought to the world of art his views on materialism, politics, economics and the media. Andy was quick to warn his admirers and critics, ?do not look any deeper than the surface of my art and my life' (Bockris 21). Andy Warhol produced works that defied the popular notion of what art should be. Warhol's works were meant to be taken at face value, for nothing more than what they portrayed on the surface. While he stressed this superficial attitude about his art, his works were often the cause of debate and influenced public opinion like no other cultural figure in North America ( Shanes 5 ). Through his series with common images, celebrities and death, Warhol teaches us that surface images have a lot to say about pop culture. By exploring and learning more about the artist who opened so many doors in the art world, one can see why looking at the surface of his works often meant seeing and understanding so much more about the society in which we live. Warhol's Campbell's soup cans are arguably some of his most famous works. Warhol wanted us to look at the simple image of the can for what it represented to our culture. He challenged "old fashioned" critics to overcome their ideas of art as complex and incomprehensible by using simple, common images. Warhol's selection of the soup can may be the most important part of the work he did with them. He wanted to display his view of America and to him eating Campbell's soup represented being American. Andy wanted to explore these common images that are part of our everyday lives, which we accept without hesitation. In his painting 32 Soup Cans ( Shanes 53 ), one can note his prominent use of repetition. Warhol often used this technique to magnify the appearance of objects produced mechanically in large quantities. By choosing 32 different varieties of cans Warhol was forcing the viewer to look hard and study his painting to see the difference between each can. He made us realize the way in which we looked at art, always carefully examining and looking for a deeper, hidden meaning beneath the surface. On the outsi... ...e Electric Chairs, Electric Chair ( Gidal 36 ) the object, the chair is the focal point of the piece. We are in no way confused about the message of the painting. In true Warhol style, it is not necessary to search for a deep meaning. The appearance of emptiness and loneliness is immediately visible. The only words in the picture, ?silence', are taken in subconsciously. The well chosen image makes a statement in itself. The success of Warhol's work during the sixties made him an immensely popular artist. At first glance Warhol's images appear to be simple. But, it is that simplicity that allowed these images to have such a huge visual impact when the viewer could associate with them. Warhol exemplified the meaning of Pop Art. Though his works may be simple and surface oriented we can see that Warhol had a very accurate understanding of pop culture. He used imagery from popular culture as a means of criticizing contemporary society. His images and ideas were all easily accessible for the audience. Emerging as arguably the most famous American artist, Andy Warhol opened up many important doors and minds in the art world which modern artists are still benefitting from today.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: Im a Little Too Perfect! :: College Admissions Essays

I'm a Little Too Perfect! Â   I work tirelessly in many academic and leadership roles. I sleep no more than three hours a night because of my desire to expertly meet my many commitments. Throughout my life, I have worked as long and as hard as I possibly can to effect beneficial changes in both school and society. Â   During the summer of tenth grade, I took a number theory course at Johns Hopkins University with students from Alaska, California, and Bogota, Colombia. Similarly, during the summer following eleventh grade, I was one of ninety students from New Jersey selected to attend the Governor's School in the Sciences at Drew University. At Drew, I took courses in molecular orbital theory, special relativity, cognitive psychology, and I participated in an astrophysics research project. For my independent research project, I used a telescope to find the angular velocity of Pluto. With the angular velocity determined, I used Einstein's field equations and Kepler's laws to place an upper bound on the magnitude of the cosmological constant, which describes the curvature of space and the rate of the universe's expansion. Â   In addition to learning science, I recently lectured physics classes on special relativity at the request of my physics teacher. After lecturing one class for 45 minutes, one student bought many books on both general and special relativity to read during his study hall. Inspiring other students to search for knowledge kindles my own quest to understand the world and the people around me. Â   As president of the National Honor Society, I tutor students with difficulties in various subject areas. In addition, I am ranked number one in my class with an SAT score of 1580 and SATII scores of 750 in math, 760 in writing, and 800 in physics. In school, I take the hardest possible courses including every AP course offered at the high school. I am the leading member of the Math Team, the Academic Team, and the Model Congress Team. In the area of leadership, I have recently received the Rotary Youth Leadership Award from a local rotary club, have been asked to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on Law and the Constitution in Washington D.C., and wrote the winning essay on patriotism for South Plainfield's VFW chapter. Currently enrolled in Spanish 6,I am a member of both the Spanish Club and the Spanish Honor Society.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Night of the tempest

It was approaching midnight on a warm winter night, rare in medieval England, with the moon halfway on its journey towards fullness.   Rarer still was the tempest, an approaching storm that brought howling winds, crackling light bolts and ear piercing thunder to the winter night sky.   Isadore had never seen a thunder storm in the winter.   She had only heard tell of it once, the year before her birth 23 years ago.   Each bolt of lightning combined with the moonlight that peeked through the winter clouds to reveal strange shadows lurking everywhere in the darkness around every corner, behind each tree, jumping suddenly from under each large rock. Isadore was approaching her uncle’s home, a large, frightening and imposing structure in appearance with high arches, several towers and a ghastly allure.   She wanted nothing more than to be snug, warm and comfortable under the covers of a nice, soft bed.   Despite its outward appearance, Isadore had heard that inside, the house was actually quite warm, inviting and comfortable.   It was not the dà ©cor, but the atmosphere inside and surrounding the outside of the house that brought bewilderment and fear. Once a house of horrors, the air of past events within its walls had never gone away but hung ominously in the air like an omen of future misgivings.   They lingered inside like the fearsome shadows she now perceived outside.   During its 120 years of existence, the house had been the scene of grotesque tortures, hideous punishments and cruel, mysterious deaths.   Now, as Isadore approached the house, a chill in her soul, she had to wonder, â€Å"Was this rare, strange winter thunderstorm the foreboding of impending disaster and doom?† As Isadore approached the gated house in her coach, she could not help but wonder what the storm might signal, if anything.   Each bolt of lightning highlighted the cathedral arches and high towers of the house, and as her coach drew nearer to the gloomy exterior of the house, the tempest grew stronger, the winds howled more intensely and the air grew thicker with an atmosphere of horror and fear.   Could the inside atmosphere be any more frightening than the cold, exterior atmosphere of the winter night. Despite the strange warmth of the winter night, the sense surrounding the abode was still cold, as if the cold exited the doors of the house and poured out into the surrounding countryside.   Even in the distance, Isadore could see that the â€Å"approaching† storm was no where in the distance.   It hung over the house like a cloud of evil.   Indeed, the storm seemed to be forming there, and continued to grow in intensity over the house as Isadore's coach drew closer to the gates. Upon its arrival at the front gate, the coachman announced, â€Å"We have arrived My Lady.†Ã‚   He got down, opened the door and assisted her out of her coach.   She had no sooner stepped onto the ground when a bolt of lightning came from out of nowhere, struck a barren winter tree some few paces away and brought it tumbling towards the ground.   Now startled and quite concerned, the incident sent a chill throughout Isadore's soul, but not as much of a chill as what she saw next.   A few moments after the tree struck the ground, the door of the abode opened and there, standing in the opening was†¦a man; a frightening, hideous being. As this man stood in the archway, Isadore stared in horror.   He spoke and fortunately, his voice was as pleasant as his appearance was hideous.   It was almost mesmerizing.   Then, as the wind howled with increasing vociferousness, he approached the gate to open it.   Once he was near her, he asked for and received Isadore's bags and assisted her through the gates and into the manor. Much to her relief, the inside decor was a appealing as she had heard, but the atmosphere was anything but.   It was as if the atmosphere had stories to tell, strange and wonderful, yet frightening and macabre. When the door closed behind her, it slammed hard enough that its knocker actually sounded as if someone was at the door.   The man, merely a servant, asked Isadore to wait in the parlor while he fetched the master.   â€Å"I will take your bags to your room, My Lady, if that meets with your approval, and fetch the master.† â€Å"Thank you, that suits me fine.†Ã‚   Then he left.   Only an instant after he left, Isadore thought she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye.   When she looked up, she saw the hem of a dress disappearing through the crack of a closing door.   Perhaps that is what it was, for as she stood there watching, the crack remained and the door never closed. Less than five minutes later, her uncle, the master, arrived, a young, handsome man perhaps in his early 30s, and greeted Isadore warmly.   After a few moments of introductions and pleasantries, Isadore asked about the woman in the dress. Looking puzzled, the Master remarked, â€Å"The woman in the dress?   I don't understand.   We are quite alone, just you, me and the servant you saw.   Otherwise, the house is empty†¦except perhaps†¦.†Ã‚   He stopped there and said nothing more, so Isadore asked, â€Å"Except perhaps what?† â€Å"Oh, nothing.   I†¦I guess I was about to say except perhaps the howling wind outside.   It's no concern.   My servant will take you to your chamber.† â€Å"Dear sir, I wonder†¦I don't mean anything by this, but would you mind accompanying me yourself?   Your servant sends chills up my spine.   I'm sure he is a nice enough person.   His voice is absolutely mesmerizing, but otherwise, he is quite frightening.† The master laughed and said, â€Å"Oh yes, I guess I understand.   I've heard that comment before.   Just give me a moment or two and I will accommodate you.   Tomorrow others like you will arrive and there will be more servants as well.   If you see anything in the meantime it’s†¦it’s just your imagination playing tricks on you.† Isadore thought to herself, â€Å"What a strange comment.   Why would he make such a comment?   I was already frightened enough while outside.   Was there something to fear within as well?†   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

English Spech Belonging Essay Example

English Spech Belonging Essay Example English Spech Belonging Essay English Spech Belonging Essay - Speech: Good morning teachers and students Good drama entertains, involves and challenges the responder Arthur Miller author of Death of a salesman achieves this through the use of various techniques such as mobile concurrency and irony. The play is also based on the theme of the American dream. This play tells a sad story of a man who was too proud to admit that he was a failure. This man was Willy Loman a lower class salesman. Willy creates a world of illusion to help him to continue with the daily difficults of living. He spent his life trying desperately to convince himself, and others, that he was successful and well liked until the day he died. In the last act of Millers play is where the sad truth of Willy Lomans existence is revealed to the audience and the Loman family. The last act serves as a place where Miller paints a picture of Willys death as an ironic end to his tragic life. Willys friend and niegbour Charley says an important speech durring Willys funeral which is vital to understanding Willy as a tragic character because Charley takes the blame away from Willy for his death .Nobody dast blame this man, are the opening words to Charleyâ„ ¢s speech that depicts Willy Loman as a product of his environment and a victim of his profession.He explains that the life of a salesman is an upward struggle to sell himself, riding on a smile and shoe shinewhen the customers start not smiling back-thats an earthquakeand youre finished.Here Charley is alluding to Willys inability to separate the personal from the professional.Willy took his professional rejections personally and it was a blow to his character.Willy wanted so desperately to be liked that he convinced himself that he was liked so he would be able to continue on with his life and his career.It is important that the audience sees Willys delusions as a coping mechanism to deal with his personal failures , and therefore takes pity on him.If the audience blames him for his death then his death is not viewed as a tragedy. Miller continues to drive the sympathy out of the audience when Willys oldest son, Biff, gives his analysis of his fathers life.Biff comes to a realization at the end of the play that his father lived a life of illusion, He never knew who he was.Willy spent so much time believing in the false promises of wealth and popularity that the life of a salesman could bring that he never took the time to realize that he really enjoyed working with his hands, Thereâ„ ¢s more of him in that front stoop than in all the sales he ever made.Biff implies that his father wasted his life as an unsuccessful salesman saying that he has all the wrong dreams. He should have spent his life in a profession that he was good at and that he could take pride in instead of wasting his life trying to reach unattainable goals as an unsuccessful salesman.The tragedy behind this is that Willy wasted so much of his life being mentally invested in the idea of the American dream to be successful and not have to worr y about money that he was to blinded to see any other alternatives. Willy has various flashbacks of his life throughout the play which makes it seem like you are viewing a lifetime when in fact the play only runs over the last 24 hours of his life, this technique is called mobile currency.There are many aspects of Willyâ„ ¢s death that are both tragic and ironic such as the attendance of Willyâ„ ¢s funeral.Before Willyâ„ ¢s death he had a conversation with a vision of his older brother Ben on which Willy described the motives behind his suicde.Willy wanted to prove to his son Biff once and for all how well known and respected he was. Ben, that funeral will be massive! Theyâ„ ¢ll come from ME, MA, VT and NHthat boy will be thunderstruck, Ben, because he never realized â€Å" I am known!Will envisioned his final triumph where he could finally prove his worth to his family, and the only way that he could do that would be in death. Ironically, no one attends his funeral expect for his family and Charley. Instead of his funeral being his fin al triumph it is his final humiliation. The absence of people at the funeral shows to the Lomanâ„ ¢s and the audience that Willyâ„ ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢s entire life was an illusion.Sadly, even Willy himself did not realize the stupidness in his views of fame and success. Another ironic twist on the death of Willy Loman is the fact that he took his own life because he thought that he would be more financially beneficial to his family if he was dead. Willy foreshadows his suicide during his final conversation with Charley when he says, After all the highways, and the trains, and the appointments, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive.Willy truly believes that he is doing what is best for his family by taking his own life, in his eyes his twenty thousand dollar insurance policy will be worth more to his family than his own life. He envisions that the money will go to his son Biff and he will be able to become the successful man that Willy always knew he would be. Willy says imagine that magnificence with twenty thousand dollars in his pocket.Ironically in the end the audience realize that Willyâ„ ¢s death was in vain because his son, Biff, does not get the insurance money because suicide was not covered in his policy. His death also c onvinces his other son Happy, to follow on his fatherâ„ ¢s footsteps toward an unrealistic dream of unattainable goals. Willyâ„ ¢s wife Linda also plays a role in the irony in the last act. Linda has a moment alone with Willyâ„ ¢s grave telling him, I made the last payment on the house today. Today, dear. And thereâ„ ¢ll be nobody home.Ironically Willy kills himself just before he is Free and clear of debt. There is also another ironic piece to Lindaâ„ ¢s final words to her husband. She says to him, Why did you do it I search and search and I search, and I canâ„ ¢t understand it, Willy.This is ironic because throughout the play Linda is the only person that loves Willy unconditionally for who he is, but in reality she has no idea who he is at all. Linda never let herself understand Willyâ„ ¢s psychological problems; therefore the only thing she can think of for his suicide is their financial burden. The final chapter of Willyâ„ ¢s life is where, for the first time, the harsh realities of his life are revealed. Sympathy is pulled from the audience and reasons for Willyâ„ ¢s behaviour are given. Willy cannot be blamed for his actions because he was merely a salesman that was so far sold on the idea of the American Dream that he was incapable of seeing his life for what it really was, even in his final moments.Willy died just as deluded as he lived. And that is how good drama entertains, involves and challenges the responder..thankyou

Monday, October 21, 2019

Survey on Animal Testing For Research and Educational Purposes Essays

Survey on Animal Testing For Research and Educational Purposes Essays Survey on Animal Testing For Research and Educational Purposes Paper Survey on Animal Testing For Research and Educational Purposes Paper The use of laboratory animals is important to three main areas: biomedical research, product safety testing, and education. Biomedical researchers use animals to extend their understanding of the workings of the body and the processes of disease and health, and to develop new vaccines and treatments for various diseases. The research these people do isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t only for human benefit; it is also helping to develop veterinary techniques. The industry uses animals to test the effectiveness and safety of many consumer products, such as cosmetics, household cleaning products, pesticides, chemicals, and drugs. Educators, from elementary school all the way up to college, use animals as parts of the teaching process, including dissecting worms, and frogs in science classes to medical students using animals to learn surgical techniques. Scientists study animals to learn more about certain species: its history, its psychological and social behaviors, and its skills. If the animals are kept in captivity, they can be caused pain that isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t natural part of its environment. A number of organizations wish to replace and reduce the number of animals being used or, at the very least, lessen the pain. Rats and mice make up 85-90% of animals used in research, education, and testing. Rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, dogs, cats, and non-human primates are studied as well. Dogs and Cats make up about 1% of research animals. The certain animal depends on what is being studied. The majority of rats and mice are bred specifically for research. Half of the dogs and cats that are used are bred for that purpose too. Animal dealers are the primary source for the rest. Animal dealers must be licensed by the USDA, or the United States Department of Agriculture and have to obey the standards of care set up by the Animal Welfare Act. „h Alternatives to Animal Testing Alternative methods fall into three main categories, also known as the three R ¡Ã‚ ¦s: Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement. Replacement is when animals are replaced, either by absolute replacement, which is when an animal is completely replaced, or by relative replacement, just cells and tissues are used, instead of the whole animal. Replacement isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t always an option although, for those animals that do undergo testing, scientists try to lessen the pain and make the animals more comfortable. Replacement isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t considered an option anymore-it has become daily. A few years ago, when a woman wanted to find out whether or not she was pregnant, she had to stop at a laboratory and get a test that involved killing a rabbit. Nowadays, she can buy and over-the-counter kit that tests her for certain chemicals. Computers are a new high-tech method of replacement. For example, dissection on a computer model instead of real, live frogs, which I would prefer! People are becoming increasingly popular when it comes time for the needs for volunteers for new facial and skin products. Reduction is the second method involves  ¡Ã‚ §sharing ¡Ã‚ ¨ research animals. For one example, if one scientist doing a study on the lungs of a sheep, when it comes time to kill the sheep he will allow the others to use his kidneys, liver or heart. Refinement being the third choice means to reduce any pain and suffering that the animal is going through. Techniques that are less hostile to the animal can also be considered refinement. Researchers can use ultrasound or an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to see what is going on inside the animal instead of cutting into it. The cosmetics industry, which 20 years ago tested all its products on animals has come so close to stopping using animals. Many companies have reduced the use of whole-animal testing by 80  ¡V 90%. Some have eliminated it completely. Since the 80 ¡Ã‚ ¦s many companies have put serious amounts of money and effort into a search for alternatives for animal testing. Plus, most ingredients that are being used today have already been tested on an animal and have shown to be safe. „h What kinds of tests are being done? The chronic-toxicity tests assess the effects of long-term exposure, often at low levels, to certain subjects. Acute-toxicity tests evaluate the risk of short-term exposure, accidental contact with eyes, skin and indigestion. There have two different outcries of this test. The most public outcry of this test happened in the 1980 ¡Ã‚ ¦s. One of them, the Draize eye test was one that used rabbits to estimate the ability of a test substance to irritate or damage the eye. This involves putting the solution into one of the rabbit ¡Ã‚ ¦s eyes. Then recording the changes in many different parts of the eye, as compared to the untreated eye over a week. Since then eye irritation tests have stopped by 87%. The protest in 1980 led to great changes in the cosmetics industry and caused many increased efforts toward the development of non-animal alternatives. Many companies no longer use the Draize test at all. The other test acute-toxicity test is called the LD50 test. LD50 means  ¡Ã‚ §lethal dose 50 percent. ¡Ã‚ ¨ This test estimates the amount of the substance is needed to kill 50% of a group of rats or other test animals. The LD50 test has been banned in parts of Europe and the EPA no longer supports it. „h Arguments Against Testing on Animals Arguments against testing on animals question the morality, the necessity, or the validity of the studies. A couple of major questions could be: Do we have a right and a need for the tests? Do these tests actually tell us something useful? Animal Rights Advocates say animals have a right to their own life just as we do; that they are not ours to mess around with. When you think about this argument long enough, this argument also means we must maintain a vegetarian diet, not wearing leather or fur, and, at its most extremity, not keeping animals as pets. A moderate animal protection says that our responsibility toward animals is that we have a moral obligation not to cause then unnecessary pain. That argument isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t against all animal testing. Arguments against animal testing take many forms. One of them could be we can ¡Ã‚ ¦t rely on animal results anyway. Humans are completely different: physically and mentally. Just because one species reacts to a certain chemical in a certain way, doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t mean another will act the same way. Furthermore, animals kept in unnatural conditions aren ¡Ã‚ ¦t going to give accurate results anyway. „h Arguments In Favor of Animal Testing Now again, you can argue in terms of morality, necessity, and validity. The concerns on this side of the argument are the needs to protect and to improve the quality of life. The gains and benefits for humans outweigh the cost of animal suffering. Someone who supports animal testing may care for animals but don ¡Ã‚ ¦t place them on an equal scale as humans. Research on animals may be necessary for more than a few reasons: to develop vaccines, treatments, cures for diseases; and to ensure new products  ¡V that they won ¡Ã‚ ¦t blind, burn, or even kill us (which has happened many times, before safety testing was required by law). Animals make good research subjects, they are biologically similar to humans, and are susceptible to many of the same health problems. Some species make good models for human health or physiology. Most of what we know about the immune system comes from our study of mice, whereas what we know about the cardiovascular system has come from dogs! Many heart surgery techniques are learned from dogs too. Animals make better subjects than humans for another reason. Many species have relatively short life cycles, so they can be studied throughout their entire life. Scientists can control certain aspects of the environment: its diet, temperature, and lighting.  ¡Ã‚ §Animals cannot be completely replaced just yet ¡Ã‚ ¨ Say many supporters of animal testing.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Regime vs. Regimen

Regime vs. Regimen Regime vs. Regimen Regime vs. Regimen By Mark Nichol What’s the difference between regime and regimen? In one sense, there is none, but in their most common connotations, one letter makes a lot of difference. Both terms stem ultimately from Latin regere, meaning â€Å"to direct.† They are related to other words starting with reg-, such as regular, regulate, and regulation. In addition, they are akin to other words referring to direction, including reign, right, and rule and ruler, as well as the element rect in, for example, direct and rectitude. The Hindi word raja, the German term reich, and the Latin form rex are also part of this regal family tree. Regime, borrowed from French (and sometimes, as in French, written in English as rà ©gime), can refer to a regular pattern or behavior of a natural phenomenon, but more often it denotes a form of management or rule, or a government or the duration of its rule. In this last sense, it generally has a negative connotation, implying a repressive, totalitarian government. The phrase â€Å"ancien rà ©gime,† sometimes styled with initial capital letters, refers to the sociopolitical system in France during the several centuries preceding that country’s revolution in 1789 and, coined by revolutionaries, was a derogatory dismissal of the outmoded model of government. (However, to others it conveyed a nostalgia for a time when aristocrats, not the bourgeoisie, set cultural standards.) The generic term, as well as the Anglicized form â€Å"ancient regime† or the translation â€Å"old regime,† refers to any such ineffectual and/or corrupt government or management. Regimen was borrowed directly from Latin into Middle English to refer to a direction, a set of rules, or a position of authority. It is, in one sense, synonymous with regime to denote rule but is now rarely used for that meaning; more often it pertains to a training system, as for athletes, or a plan intended to improve one’s health. One other word closely related to regime and regimen is regiment. It, too, once referred to rule, but now its primary sense as a noun is a reference to a military unit that originally numbered about a thousand soldiers but in modern armies varies widely according to a unit’s particular function. The term is also used as a verb synonymous with organize, in the sense that a regiment is neatly arrayed in marching and inspection formations. However, the connotation of the verb form is often negative, implying excessive control. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating ConjunctionsAnyone vs. Everyone10 Tips for Clean, Clear Writing

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Project management Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project management - Thesis Proposal Example This argument is particularly important in consideration of the fact that there are authors in the extant literature on research methodologies who explain that both of these methods could be at odds with each other, suggesting a degree of inefficacy (i.e. Poggie, DeWalt and Dressler, 1992, pp. 132). However, this researcher agrees with Flick’s position and further argues that effective features of each model should be adopted and reconciled so that identified research approaches from both paradigms complement each other, resulting to a more effective method of investigation. Naturally, the hybrid model proposed would mean that this study will utilize a number of research tools and techniques. For instance, data will be gathered using interviews, surveys and secondary sources and they will be presented as empirical data in the research discussion and analysis. The structure of the research is a logical flow of stages that incorporate qualitative and quantitative techniques. This is depicted in Fig. 1. It shows how the study would begin with interviewing resource persons. The focus group technique can prove to be invaluable at this stage. Once, approved, this researcher will devise a structured interview at once involving three to five stakeholders or industry resource persons. The purpose is to gain a significant knowledge and first-hand data on specific issues that would provide the insights necessary in developing a more effective questionnaire and research techniques. In the focus group interview, participants will be asked to respond to questions and allowed to respond to each other’s answers as well. Secondary sources will complement the data from the focus group interview. This will not only inform the next step in the study but also provide collaborative evidences and sources for comparative analysis. These

Friday, October 18, 2019

Korean Liberation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Korean Liberation - Assignment Example The two rivals: Soviets and the American stagnated development of the country that had already been destroyed by the Japanese (Cumings 200). Each side seemed to be supported by a colonial power hence increasing the tension in the country. Many lives were lost as well as millions of combat casualties. The United States joined the war when it reached international proportion with the invasion of North Korea in the land of the South. The Americans gave the southern people aid, and this prevented them from destruction from the already winning opposing side (Cumings 255). A collision between the south and the north brought a standstill to the economic advancements that were taking place after their liberation from Japan and shifted to protect themselves from each other’s aggression. After the departure of the colonialists, the country was left in a poor state lacking managerial manpower. There were political instability and a shortage of resources. Tremendous efforts to rebuild the economy after liberation led to the gradual improvement of the economy. Things in Korea changed after its liberation leading to the differing traditions, ideas, cultures, politics, and architecture. Arts and humanities are on the themes that arose from Korean liberation. In contrast to the previous rules and regulations in the country, the production of arts and literature turned out to be controlled by the state. The lines that these entities took from production to presentation and dissemination, all came under the authority of the state. A rich variety of arts, genres, and fashion developed from time to time (Steven 3).

Industrialization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Industrialization - Essay Example This paper seeks to highlight industrialization in its entirety paying a closer look at the early and late industrialization. Further, the paper tries to compare the level of industrialization of countries such as the US, Germany, China, Japan, Soviet Union and the UK with special emphasis on the factors that could have brought these countries that far. The present industrial status is also looked at in terms of commerce, education and the general social welfare in these countries. Industrialization may be construed to refer to the process of both social and economic change that sees a society move from a pre-industrial to a fully industrial society. Actually, sometimes modernization is considered as a result of industrialization except that apart from industrialization modernization may be as a result of a synergy between economic development and social change. When these two, economic development and social change, are closely related to innovation, then the result is great modernization often identifiable through industrialization. ... This modernization was represented by not only by high levels of economic authority but also by factors such as functional specialization and general structural differentiation. These factors, especially the autonomy of the economic system from the government contributed greatly to this high level of modernization or industrialization for that matter. Besides the factors highlighted above, there also others that equally led to the prosperity realizes in most countries in the above named region. These factors include: An open trading system enjoying minimal or no import duty greatly stimulated industrialization because of the emerging cost efficiency. Presence of free and flexible labour helped enhance industrialization. It is common knowledge that industrialization, besides energy and raw materials, depend entirely on not only cheap but also skilled and flexible labour. Presence of alternative markets enhanced the general economic performance as a result of highly enabled business opportunities presented by these markets Quick conventional learning capabilities and the affirmative work ethics in the populations equally played a role in encouraging and enhancing industrialization Skills in fast exploitation of the new technologies and scientific findings catapulted industrialization to further and higher grounds Why Industrialization Occurred As mentioned earlier, industrialization is the result of social change and economical development lying proximally to innovations and emerging technologies. Autonomy of social and economic systems from the governments undoubtedly led to industrialization. The process of industrialization occurred almost in every part of the world for particular reasons. For instance, the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Economics of Slavery and its Impact on Nation Essay

Economics of Slavery and its Impact on Nation - Essay Example African slaves were bought cheaply in African countries, and shipped into the Caribbean in the hold, in much the same way as other commodities. They were not only kept by those with large amounts of land, but also by small farmers, and city dwellers. It is generally believed that the economics of large acreages of Cotton and Sugar, combined with low levels of servant indenture, meant that America came to rely upon slaves to work the land. It would have been impossible to farm the vast amounts of these goods without slave labor, as liberated workers would have demanded pay, and probably better working conditions and fewer hours; slaves, on the other hand, were not employees, and could be worked in extreme conditions. African Slaves were able to repopulate, like livestock, and were also supposed to be immune to Malaria and other diseases (Racism saw them as stronger, and better suited to physical labor than white people); unlike Indian slaves, black people (at least in the early to mid 18th Century) stood out among the general population.

Principles of project management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Principles of project management - Assignment Example Still, the core project management principles apply. In these regards, the project tasks have been identified, namely, the development of a newly efficient and effective television. The project cost will be estimated; costs will involve development as well as end target margins on sales to consumers. Further consideration will be given to managing risk as a means of adhering to these financial targets. The project will then be organized around specific matrixes with a specific team. Within this team a specific breakdown and division of labor will occur, with a further specified timescale for the work to be accomplished. The plan will then be implemented. Throughout the process specific consideration will be given to project iterations and specific management of the predominant principles that have been outlined. Within the context of Apple, Inc. it’s recognized that increasing emphasis will be placed on technological innovation, user-interface, and cutting-edge design. Still, much of the project cycle will need to be considered in a dynamic context of development and design. 2. The need for project management is an essential aspect of product development and innovation. In the context of Apple, Inc. ... There are a number of factors of success and failure that are considered in relation to project management. Locke (2007) differentiates between many forms of project success. The primary theoretical understanding in these regards is that project management is a multi-dimensional process such that managerial success in terms of project management is distinguished from project success from the perspective of the end user. In these regards, Locke (2007) establishes success and failure factors in relation to the initial project definition. Success is determined in relation to the extent that the project takes on a clear and defined articulation. The next period is the execution period. Project success and failure during the execution period is contingent upon how well the project adheres to the primary elements of cost, execution, and time. Still, project success or failure is further distinguished in terms of overriding benefit for existing stakeholders. In terms of Apple, Inc. the prim ary stakeholders are the organization’s stockholders. As such the project’s ability to ultimately positively contribute to revenue and net profit streams will be the primary determinant of success. Ultimately, it seems this project is realistic. 3. There are four primary phases of project management: initiation, planning, execution, and closure (Lock 2007). Fig. 1 below demonstrates the project management phases. Fig. 1 Project Management Phase Peter (2003) notes that the initiation phase determines the scope and the nature of the project. For Apple, Inc. the scope of the project is the development of a television that is readily integrated with the personal computer, such that the individual will have ease

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Economics of Slavery and its Impact on Nation Essay

Economics of Slavery and its Impact on Nation - Essay Example African slaves were bought cheaply in African countries, and shipped into the Caribbean in the hold, in much the same way as other commodities. They were not only kept by those with large amounts of land, but also by small farmers, and city dwellers. It is generally believed that the economics of large acreages of Cotton and Sugar, combined with low levels of servant indenture, meant that America came to rely upon slaves to work the land. It would have been impossible to farm the vast amounts of these goods without slave labor, as liberated workers would have demanded pay, and probably better working conditions and fewer hours; slaves, on the other hand, were not employees, and could be worked in extreme conditions. African Slaves were able to repopulate, like livestock, and were also supposed to be immune to Malaria and other diseases (Racism saw them as stronger, and better suited to physical labor than white people); unlike Indian slaves, black people (at least in the early to mid 18th Century) stood out among the general population.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Eating Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eating Disorder - Essay Example The second, as Bernard Shaw said, â€Å"Your food is your grave†. I am 23 years old and I have realized that sickness sells at premium and health is at discount. I have seen some of my friends suffer from eating disorders and bouts of depression. They neglect their studies, physically and mentally abuse themselves. I am convinced by observing the real-life examples of my friends that modern education system is one of the important agents to cause eating disorders amongst the combustible younger generation. Eat junk food and other types of fast foods at the wrong time. Eat without time consideration, whether you are hungry or not. On the other extreme, do not eat at all and starve with the sole idea to turn slim. Treat this as an invitation to the eating disorder. The youngsters and adolescent girls have lost the sense of discipline in food intake and have no diet-discipline. The influence of materialistic civilization on the youth is tremendous. The eating disorder impacts the ir personality and once into it, they will have a tough time to recoup the original health and become normal selves again. Newspaper, television and glamorous advertisements convey the wrong message to the adolescent girls that their bodies are imperfect and perfection can be attained with the help of fasting, diet and cosmetics. They render immense disservice to the culture of America with interference in the normal life of girls. Surgery and diet control measures are offered at fabulous prices with promise of reducing weight in short periods. Girls are lured into it, accept it without being aware of the side effects and suffer in the long run. These are some of the important causes for eating disorder, according to me. Eating disorder can be challenged and overcome. If you are a student, listen to the real life experience of the seniors, read literature that gives positive direction to conquer eating disorder and give your body the food it needs, neither less or more. Make a timet able, calorie-wise schedule of the food items that you are going to take and stick to it. My female cousin who stays in the same community at a distance of about a mile from my house has gone through this ordeal of eating disorder. Both families have close interaction, and we all meet quite often in social/family functions. The problem with the combustible younger generation, especially the adolescent girls, is that they are not willing to listen to the first-hand experiences of others. When she began to lose weight, I enquired of her what the issue was. Slimming was her only goal then and she was not inclined to adopt some golden rules of healthy lifestyle. I counseled for hours against her voluntary efforts to destroy her health, but she said that she enjoyed suffering but wished to get slimmer. This is the story of my stubborn cousin. She is an ardent devotee of the cult of thinness that has influenced the turbulent mindset of the young girls. I say turbulent, because even a marg inal increase in the body weight increases their tension. She is younger of the two daughters and they are a happy family. Somebody in the party told her, â€Å"You have put on weight,† and that is the beginning of her journey of worry†¦ I went on a posting to another city, and though I remained in contact with her over the phone, for a personal interaction with her I had to wait for about two years. When I returned back to the city, she expressed her eagerness to meet me urgently and she had a wealth of information to share with me about her sufferings for the last two years. â€Å"I am feeling much better now,† she said with a sigh. Here is her part of the story: â€Å"On listening to that one pound increase remark in the party two years ago, I really panicked. I came home and checked my weight, and the increase

Narrative composition and content Essay Example for Free

Narrative composition and content Essay In this essay I will talk about the narration, composition and the content of the newspapers which are published today. These three points are taken very seriously as they play the most important role in the success and failure of the newspapers which are published. I chose a broadsheet newspaper to analyse first as it has the articles in more proffesional order, its contents are trustworthy and theres a bigger audience for it. Narration of the newspapers on the frontpage of the broadsheet newspapers you would find the biggest news, something which would shock the viewers and convince them to read the newspaper. As it will be on the National News page it has to be a big news, it could be about politics, disasters in businesses or terrorist attacks anything which will grab the attention and it could be happening nationally. It would be popular and affect the people globally. See more: how to start a narrative essay for college Then it would be the local news which might be important to the viewers who live in the city which is mentioned in the newspaper but mostly everyone prefers an international paper with a good local section later in the newspaper as it may not be that important as much as the national news would be because the local news would be for a smaller audience it would come after the bigger news as it would be for the whole country. After the local news and adverts would come the Sports news pages which would be at the back of the newspaper because sports doesnt take much training or intelligence to grasp and it has a wide appeal. The reason newspapers are set up like that is because that setup makes them the most money. As the sports pages have always been at the back of the newspapers now the viewers know where to find the sports, if they dont want to see the other news they can just go to the sports area straight away and look at that, so they dont have to find it going through the whole newspaper. Â  Contents in newspapers- In tabloid newspapers we find stories of political events, crime, business, art/entertainment, society and sports similar to the broadsheet newspapers but they arent as big. The news about the ordinary people and what goes around the country which would be more emphasized, we find gossips about celebrities and their private lives etc for example The Sun they put stories for the people who are less proffessionals and look for something more humourous and fun rather than the serious crime and stressful news they find in the broadsheet newspapers. The tabloid newspapers make the news in a more intersting form with more pictures. Many people buy it to catch up with the news going around the world, as tabloids are more picture based the workers read it during their lunchtimes as a timepass and entertainment. Many readers think its really pointless It Seems that the owners of these papers care about doing is putting celebrity news as the major top stories. They have made celebrity news more important than the War on terror more important than global warming more important than the major problems this country this world is facing. Its not a real paper anymore its nothing more than a tabloid celebrity newspaper. Why changes were needed to be made to some of the newspaper content The contents in the newspapers we find today are completely different from what they were like when they first came out they actually needed to change for the better. Then they didnt care about how to please everyone and just used to put the content without looking at any audience and not thinking about the foreigners and the people from different cultures and thats why the newspapers then wernt that popular and successful whereas now the newspapers have improved and are more successful now because there are more foreign people in the country so the content needs to provide material for their interests aswell in order to gain more readers and also for that rather than having information only on british sport, they have news from all countries sport and their progress but with this the english people are also interested in other countries. The contents we find now in the newspapers are far more interesting now. In tabloids we find the news about everything but in a more humourous way even the global news would be presented in a similar way but the broadsheet newspapers are for the more serius audience who just simply want to know the news and no other interference with it they want to know more about crime, finance, stocks and shares and business although they are getting used to the entertainment and the gossip news everywhere and are started to get into these kind of topics. As the newspapers need to appeal to all different types of people with different thoughts and backgrounds even the broadsheets include small informations of the celebrities and the current affairs mixed with other news for . e. g law, art, taxes, celebs and horoscopes in the tabloid newspaper are there so that they can get more viewers. As there are more issues to discuss in the media now and the way aspects are portrayed are a lot more controversial ways to attract the readers or viewers like the page three women who are completely exposed and revealing everything to get the men viewers and the Madeleine McCann case and how the newspapers were allowed to write bias viewpoints about the situation and not jus this there are many others, tabloids are more open about their opinion but broadsheets are not so open and obvious. Even technologyy was to be blamed for the changes not to be happening in the early years as the technology wasnt as good back then the print outs and the quality of it wasnt that good either so they couldnt made it more attractive and colourful but now we can do everything so there are more changes and the newspapers look a lot better too. So this shows that the changes in the contents were quite essential to the newspapers.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Failure of the Asante Uprising

Failure of the Asante Uprising Account for the failure of the Asante to mount a unified struggle against the British during the Yaa Asantewaako The Asante was a state of Ghana occupied by the Akan people. During the 1700s the kingdom expanded under their ruler, Osei Tutu, and his successor, Osai Apoko, to cover most of Ghana, including the coast, which later became known as the Gold Coast because of its gold mines. Their trade in gold and other commodities, including slaves, spread out across the Atlantic.[1] In the 19th century British traders began to take control of the trade routes and coastal regions. Wars and treaties with British over possession of land continued throughout the century. Later in the century the slave trade declined and the Asante had to rely on its sales of Kola nuts to the north. However, the pressures of colonisation, and the British monopoly of the gold mines, proved too much for the state and it lost its independence in 1874.[2] At this time the ruler of Ejisu, a state in the Confederacy, was Nana Akwasi Afrane Okpese. When he died in 1894, his sister Yaa Asantewaa nominated her grandson as ruler. However, in 1896 he was sent into exile with the King of Asante, Prempeh I, and Yaa Asantewaa herself became regent.[3] The Asante people had a legendary throne, known as the Golden Stool, which was believed to contain the spirit of the Asante nation. This throne symbolically represented the nation’s independence, and had never been sat on. In 1900, the British governor-general of the Gold Coast, Sir Frederick Hodgson, demanded that the throne should be brought to him in honour of Queen Victoria, and he should be entitled to sit on it. This demand was insensitive in the light of the people’s reverence of the stool and created a great deal of anger and resentment amongst the Asante people. Yaa Asantewaa reacted by starting the Asante uprising in 1900 which was intended to release the King. This started by an attempted ambush, and was followed by the siege of the British in Kumasi. The Asante only made one attack on the fort, and when a rescue party arrived, 600 men were released, who, despite further attacks on the road from around 1500 warriors, were able to get to the coast with a loss of 40 men.[4] A rescue force of 1000 men was sent out, and although they received heavy attacks from allied tribes, they were able to carry out an assault on Kumasi in July 1900, and relieved the fort within two days. Following this victory for the British, raids took place on regions that supported the uprising and eventually the Asante were completely defeated. Yaa Asantewaa was also exiled, and remained so until her death in 1921.[5] The Asante had the advantage at the beginning of the uprising, and the possibility of the uprising being a success seems at first glimpse to have been very high. However, there are various reasons why they were unable to defeat the British, and present a unified force. Despite the Asante’s courage and cunning, the British also showed extreme bravery and enterprise in the face of horrific conditions, both for those in the siege, and for the relieving troops. The men and women in the garrison had only limited supplies, and after the initial release of the 600 who managed to make their way to the Cape Coast, the remaining garrison only had enough rations to last them for three weeks.[6] Furthermore, the relief expedition, led by Colonel Willcocks, faced enormous problems. They had difficulty in obtaining carriers and food for the journey, and as it was the height of the rainy season, all the roads were in deepest mud and almost impenetrable.[7] Despite these seemingly insurmountable problems, Willcocks’s troop managed to reach Bekwai. From here, he managed to draw much of the enemy away from Kumasi by releasing reports that he was about to attack Kokofu to the east. However, whilst feinting an advance on Kokofu, he suddenly turned west to Kumasi, and after some fighting, reached the fort, just in time to relieve the inhabitants before they surrendered.[8] It is clear, therefore, that the defeat of the Asante uprising was very much due to the courage and cleverness of Willcocks, who was afterwards promoted and received the K.C.M.G. Further reasons for this defeat must lie with the Asante themselves. Despite their show of initial strength, this last act of defiance in the wars with the British had its own weaknesses. The continual wars of the preceding century had decreased the Asante’s power over land around the coast. The territorial war of 1873-74 had also ended in defeat for the Asante, and the kings that ruled their people immediately after this war were either tyrannical or short-lived. Civil war was the outcome, until the election of Prempeh, who at first seemed to bring peace. However, his later refusal to comply with the treaty made earlier, led to his exile, and British governors were put in place at Kumasi.[9] The moral of the Asante must have been low at this point. Many of the chiefs could not reconcile themselves to British rule, but seemed unable to take action. Furthermore, many of the tribes remained loyal to the British, which must have decreased their strength even further. Much of the enemy they were fighting against was made up of Africans – the Hausas – and tribes loyal to the British, which perhaps was also a demoralising factor. With other tribes allying themselves to the British, they were unable to call on so many neighbouring areas – while the British were able to call on continual support, even though this support was long in coming. At the beginning of the rebellion, Yaa Asantewaa had been able to gain the support of some of the Asante nobility, but only after an impassioned and now famous speech she made to members of the government council: Now I see that some of you fear to go forward to fight for our King. If it were in the brave days of Osei Tutu, Okomfo Anokye, and Opoku Ware, chiefs would not sit down to see their king taken away without firing a shot. No European could have dared speak to chiefs of Asante in the way the governor spoke to you this morning. Is it true that the bravery of Asante is no more? I cannot believe it. It cannot be! I must say this: if you the men of Asante will not go forward, then we will. We the women will. I shall call upon my fellow women. We will fight the white men. We will fight till the last of us falls in the battlefields.[10] This speech was made because the government members could not agree on the right action to take. Although she did gather support for the rebellion, it may be that it was not as strong in spirit as its numbers suggest. The rebels were able to muster a force of 40,000, but numbers were not a great advantage in the light of the superior technology of the British ammunition, which included field guns and rapid-fire maxim guns.[11] This gap in technology had grown over the preceding 100 years and severely disadvantaged the Asante, though their use of stockades was an attempt to deal with British superior gunfire.[12] In summarising the reasons why the Asante were unable to defeat the British in this uprising, it can clearly be seen that, despite their numbers and bravery, they were at a considerable disadvantage in military terms, and in support. The years of war had seen a growth of military technology for the British, while the Asante only had defence techniques to counter this. The gradual submission to British rule by neighbouring tribes must also have been a factor, and in the end, the War of the Golden Stool was a final act of defiance which was inevitably doomed to failure. Bibliography Gilbert, M., ‘A History of the Twentieth Century Volume One, 1900-1933’, [online] Available from [accessed 28th April 2007] Nugent, P., (1997) ‘A Clash of Empires: Asante and the British’ [online] A review of Edgerton, Robert, The Fall of the Asante Empire: The Hundred Year War For Africas Gold Coast Available from [accessed 28th April 2007] 1 [1] [2] [3] [4] ibid /war-of-the-golden-stool [5] [6] [7] ibid [8] ibid [9] [10] quoted in [11] Gilbert, M., ‘A History of the Twentieth Century Volume One, 1900-1933’, [online] [12] Nugent, P., (1997) ‘A Clash of Empires: Asante and the British’,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

AEI technology :: Essays Papers

AEI technology Who is Amtech? Amtech is a pioneer in electronics transportation systems. The company began in 1983 when the US Department of Agriculture released the patent for an 11-year old radio beam system. The first use of this technology was in the field of livestock monitoring. This later evolved into traffic and inventory management. Today, Amtech focuses its research and technology development on two market segments: Automatic Equipment Identification (AEI) and Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS). AEI uses radio beams to track inventory by scanning an electronic tag that is attached to the car or cargo unit. IVHS was a by-product of AEI, in that it uses tags to automatically deduct toll payment as vehicles pass through a tollbooth. Amtech has established itself as the AEI industry leader by becoming the American Association of Railroad’s mandated standard. On the other hand, the IVHS market is filled with competitors competing for electronic toll contracts throughout the United States. AEI and IVHS are in place in both domestic and foreign markets. In the domestic market, Amtech is partnering with Motorola. It’s pursuing the foreign markets through alliances with Alcatel Amtech in Europe, Mitsubishi in Asia, and Sino-Amtech in China. What’s the Problem? Amtech has almost completed delivery of AEI system tags to the railroad companies, and the market isn’t showing much growth potential. Also, they have been unsuccessful in securing future contracts. Their stock price has witnessed a decrease from $33 to 10 in a span of three months due to the anticipation of decreased cash flow. Pressure has been mounting from the shareholders for management to take action to boost the stock price back to levels of expected growth. Amtech has the unique predicament of being caught in markets that are neither growing nor mature enough to provide a steady or growing revenue stream. Aspects of the problem: Â § Have yet to determine proper allocation of resources for best possible return. Â § Strong competitive forces in the IVHS market. Â § Maturing market for AEI. Â § Reliance on one product for critical revenue stream. Â § Product portfolio not diversified. SWOT Analysis Company Strengths: Â § Opportunity to broaden market in AEI because of their market dominance. Â § Strong brand equity as the leader in transportation electronics. Â § Ability to tap into the IVHS market potential. Â § Foreign market presence through alliances in AEI and IVHS product lines. Â § Established distribution channels in foreign markets. Â § High debt capacity to finance future growth. Â § $50 million in cash and marketable securities.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The United States and Cuba: An Embargo for the Ages Essay -- Essays P

The United States and Cuba: An Embargo for the Ages Cuba’s colorful history can be documented to before the days of the American Revolution in 1776, but today, American policy directly affects many Cubans’ lifestyles because of a nearly 45-year-old trade embargo that has been placed on the island nation. It is crucial to analyze the development of Cuba and its neighboring island nations in order to discern the reasons for Cuba’s current political situation with the United States. The following paper will discuss the events that shaped Cuba and larger Caribbean nations like Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica; next, a detailed description of Cuba’s turbulent history will help in explaining the Cuban transformation into a socialist economy; then, a detailed account of the U.S. embargo on Cuba will document the ups and downs of the policy all the way to the present day; finally, the current news surrounding American-Cuban relations will depict the most recent happenings in the ongoing disputes between t he two nations. Before analyzing the situation leading up to the Cuban embargo, it is important to look at the history of the development of the Caribbean as a whole. This means analyzing the factors that led to the modern development of islands like Hispaniola (consisting of Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Jamaica, and of course Cuba. It is also essential to observe and examine the economic and social changes that resulted from these islands’ shifts from colonial outposts to independent producers. It seems important to look at all of these islands separately, as each one has its own unique background that explains its place in the world today. These islands also share many strikingly similar characteristics. Up... ...n that U.S. businessmen want to trade with Cuba. The problem lies behind the interests that drive the U.S. government, and until those interests are satisfied, it is doubtful that this embargo will go anywhere anytime soon. References Kaplowitz, Donna Rich. Anatomy of a Failed Embargo. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.

Life of Pi Journal Response

The narrator of this book has his own view about zoos. He tries to make it seem as if his view is absolutely true and is scientifically proven and that he is 100% politically correct. According to him a zoo to an animal is like a home to a human. But I totally disagree with his view on the zoos. In the book the narrator’s view is totally opposite. He assumes and thinks that keeping animals in cages is normal to them and they don’t mind†¦ He persuades us to think that animals are perfectly fine and find it normal to be kept in cages â€Å"Animals like being in the same cages, it’s like their home, There is no place like home? That’s certainly what animals feel. † According to him animals would rather live in a restricted area where his basic needs are met than live in an open area full of enemies and no guarantee of food. He is saying that a cage is an animal’s home!!! How can that be possible? How can an animal call some cage where it’s been stuck forever and ever where it can’t go anywhere, call it home?!? It seems as if the narrator†¦ I personally do not agree with the narrators view about zoos or any other enclosed dwelling for animals. We all humans know that animals do not like being kept in cages and in enclosed enclosures. Animals are territorial. That is the key to their minds. Only a familiar territorial will allow them to fulfill the two relentless imperatives of the wild: the avoidance of enemies and the getting of food and water. So biologically sound zoo enclosure – whether cage, pit, moated island, corral, terrarium, aviary or aquarium- is just another territory†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"In a zoo, we do for animals what we have done for ourselves with houses†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Now he is comparing the animals’ cages to our homes! How is it possible to compare an animal’s cage to our houses? They are definitely vastly different. We cannot possibly compare a place like our home to an animal’s cage. Animals are meant to live in the wild – in the forests, the desserts etc. That’s their home. Like our homes are our habitats in cities and country sides. It’s not possible to call a cage, an animal’s territory; it’s like a jail for him. â€Å"A house is a compresses territory where basic needs can be fulfilled close by and safely (with the noteworthy absence of a fireplace or the like, present in every human habitation). Finding within it all the places it needs- a lookout, a place for resting, for eating and drinking, for bathing, for grooming-etc. – nd finding that there is no need to go hunting, food appearing six days a week, an animal will take possession of its zoo space in the same way it would lay claim†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I disagree with the fact that the cages are the animal’s territory and home. Just because the cage can fulfill the basic needs (resting, look out, eating, and bathing) that doesn’t mean its territory. The animal is being forced to live in the cages and so it has to deal with the situation and cope with it. Where he says â€Å"†¦ fulfilled by close by and safely† he is wrong. The bars around the cage aren’t for safety for the animals but for simply keeping it inside its cage. It’s a safety for us! How does this even make sense in the first place? It’s basically saying that, someone a human is forced to live in a cage where he/she will be supplied with food and calling that cage their home! Their safe, have a place to eat, rest, lookout†¦ It’s the human’s territory and home now because it will stay there forcefully until it dies†¦ You can also look at this like this. You see a lady bug crawling around. So you take a jar and cover it atop it. You give it food/water daily†¦ So basically now the jar is its home sweet home and its own territory? That’s what the narrator is basically saying. I disagree with the fact that animals can be compared to humans. The narrator cannot simply just start comparing human’s lifestyles to animals. How can we possibly know whether the cage is like a home to the animals? The animals belong in nature; they have their own habitats and their own ways of having a comfortable lifestyle. How can we say that a cage is a comfortable area and a home to an animal? We do not know what animals think, we don’t know what they are saying†¦ Even though we see the animals in their enclosures all peaceful and quite we cannot simply assume that they love it. It’s like we were separated from our families and put in a cage to stay†¦ Humans and animals are very different. Humans are able to do things that animals can’t†¦ They can build houses out of nature (with wood etc). Animals are limited. They get raised and are taught to hunt so they can eat and live†¦ In conclusion I defiantly do not agree with the narrator on the fact that animals love the zoo, and like being kept in cages/enclosures. I disagree with his view and opinion on zoos.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Abridging Cultural Differences in Learning Essay

The world is not only composed of different races that come from different countries but also comprised of innumerable cultures unique from each other. Races from all around the world are greatly diverse. The diversity includes differences in practices, traditions and other cultural manifestations. Culture is one of the distinguishable characteristics of a group of people living in society. Culture is embedded in the community and is illustrated in various forms. In fact, even architectural design depicts culture of people in a particular place. Culture shapes and reshapes a person’s individuality. It is influenced by various factors including socio-political, sociological, religion, and historical. Culture continually conform and mold to provide the ever-changing needs of the people in the society. The difference in cultural identity of the people could be attributed to the inherent beliefs, traditions and practices they adhere or grew up with. It is also due to the geographical locations of where we live because culture should match or fit to the geographical and topographical characteristics of the place. For these characteristics greatly affects some aspects of the culture. Learning Styles Learning plays a big role in the lives of people for it is essential in acquiring knowledge that is utilized in understanding things. Learning is an inherent human ability that is honed by factors that affects this particular human process like parenting, formal schooling, experience etc. The process of learning is never-ending, as people reach old age they still acquire new things like information and knowledge they will be able to utilize in some way. Learning has biological and sociological aspects or dimensions. These aspects affect learning either in a positive or negative way. Students may have different processes in taking in information and different ways of learning. Teaching strategies and methods also vary among teachers. Whenever teacher-student education style methods and preference are the same, learning is more likely successful. When there is an existing discrepancy in the learning style preferred by both students and teachers, the students tend to get bored and become inattentive to the lessons (Felder). Every individual have their preferred way of learning things. They are often unaware of this particular preference, they are just aware that they learn more of things that way. People tend to learn more using certain activities and methods than others (Melkman & Trotman, 2005). The learning style preferences determine how people learn and the comfortable way in which they were able to learn more. These preferences exert influence learning efficacy (Melkman & Trotman, 2005). Some of the biological aspects of learning are sound and light (Shalaway & Beech, 1998), some people could not digest the things they should learn in the presence of loud noise and dim light, while there are some people who understand more of the lesson under that certain circumstances. The perception of an individual also affects the learning process of an individual. State of mental health is also another aspect that affects the learning process in which we determine if a person could easily learn the things being taught to them. This is where we could separate fast, average and slow learners. Developmental and sociological aspects that affect the cognitive processes include motivation (Shalaway & Beech, 1998), in which some persons need to be motivated in order to digest what is being taught. Being in the in-group also one of the factors that is mostly seen in the school setting where students are more eager to go to school when they are not ostracized by the cliques or social groups. In most classroom settings, noise is not tolerated. Teachers react negatively whenever students squirm or wriggle in their seats, whenever they tap their desks with their pencils or whenever they show restlessness. However, studies prove that some children need such activities for then to able to concentrate, think and learn (Shalaway & Beech, 1998). Research shows that when the learning preference of the children, either their biological or sociological aspect, there is a notable increase in achievement and behavioral response. Teachers also have individualized learning styles that affect their way of teaching. When the learning styles of the teacher and students happen to be the same, the more the students will learn (Shalaway & Beech, 1998). Various sources discussed many types of learning style preferences. The three main learning style preferences are the auditory, visual and kinesthetic. The auditory learning style explains that some students learn more using their sense of hearing. They tend to get oral instructions easily. The visual learning style, on the other hand, explains how some students tend to learn more using their sense of sight. They are the students who frantically take down notes and copy down keywords from visual aids in class. The kinesthetic learning style explains why some students opt to learn on their own. They tend to learn more through experience and discovery (Learning Styles, 2005). Cultural Differences and Learning Culture and learning are two inseparable things (Moore and Anderson, 2003). The innate cultural identity of a person tends to affect their learning capabilities through influencing their learning styles. Researches find out that cultural groups tend to have unique learning styles that are different from other ethnic groups. But there is also a contrasting finding that members of the family tend to have different learning styles. Instructors and learning facilitators should be aware of three important things. 1. There are existing universally accepted learning principles, 2. Culture greatly influences the learning styles of individuals, 3. Every person has their distinguishable learning style preferences that affect their potential achievement and acquired knowledge (Moore & Anderson, 2003). Culture could be held responsible in the developed learning style of an individual. Culture determines the preferences and values a person holds. United States is a multiracial and multicultural society in which the normal classroom is composed of people coming from the different ethnic groups (Shalaway & Beech, 1998). Oftentimes, we are having a difficult time understanding people who have dissimilar taste and preference, because we know that there is no commonality or common ground that that two person could talk about. We tend to be biased in some way. Cultural differences are persons’ strengths, knowing the cultural background of the student will greatly help us to facilitate and induce classroom learning (Shalaway & Beech, 1998). The knowledge in the cultural diversity and how it influences the learning process is very important especially to the course designers because there is an inevitable possibility that a group of individuals have different learning styles preferences (Moore & Anderson, 2003). The negative implication of the culturally diverse classroom setting is composed of individuals with various learning style preferences. The instructor or learning facilitator have no control over the heterogeneous mixture of learning styles for it is difficult to develop a mixture of training methods and teaching strategies for all the students to learn in class. Conclusion Learning is among the fundamental human process very essential in life. The process of learning occurs in every setting and outside the confines of school and we are unaware that it happens. Culture is the embedded characteristic deeply rooted in society. It somehow defines the social identity of a person. Culture shapes individuality and influences the different aspects of a person, including tastes and preferences. Variety is the spice of life. The global society is composed of different races and cultures. Cultural differences are reflected in learning style preferences. The negative implication of cultural diversity in a classroom and having too many learning styles is that the teachers do not know what teaching methods they should used in order the students to learn the subject. Knowledge in this particular matter is very important especially to learning facilitators and course designers to develop a comprehensive and efficient teaching method to be utilized in classrooms in which ever student’s learning style is utilized. In this way we will be able to abridge cultural differences in learning. References Felder, R. Learning Styles. Resources in Science and Engineering Education. Retrieved June 25, 2008 from http://www4. ncsu. edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Learning_Styles. html. Learning Styles. (2005). Student Development Services. University of Western Ohio. Retrieved June 25, 2008 from http://www. sdc. uwo. ca/learning/index. html? styles. Melkman, A. & Trotman, J. (2005). Training International Managers: Designing, Deploying and Delivering Effective Training for Multi-Cultural Groups. England: Gower Publishing Ltd. Moore, M. G. & Anderson, W. G. (2003). Handbook of Distance Education. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Shalaway, L. & Beech, L. (1998). Learning to Teach: Not Just for Beginners: The Essential Guide for All Teachers. New York: Teaching Resources/ Scholastic Professional Books.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Oceanography Discussion Short Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Oceanography Discussion Short - Essay Example The pH of the ocean does not change much because ocean water acts as an acid-base buffer. When acidic substances are added to seawater, they result in increased H+ ions. These ions react with bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) in seawater, yielding carbonic acid (H2CO3), which further dissociates into CO2 and H2O. Thus, the pH does not change on addition of acid because neutral products are formed. Similarly, when basic (alkaline) substances are added to seawater, the bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) dissociate into CO32- and H+. The production of H+ ions thus neutralizes the OH- ions of the base and pH remains constant. The bicarbonate ions in oceans are produced as a result of volcanic eruptions and burning of fossil fuels that add carbonic acid to the seawater (Desonie 19). Goiter is a disorder in which the thyroid gland or any one of its two lobes enlarges and appears as a swelling in the front region of the neck. It results from hypothyroidism, i.e. inadequate production of the thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. This disorder results from iodine deficiency. Iodine is the precursor of thyroid hormones and its deficiency leads to their inadequate synthesis, thereby inducing the production of thyroid stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland. This hormone causes the enlargement of the thyroid, resulting in goiter. Goiter can be prevented by incorporating trace amounts of iodine in the diet. All products originating from seawater are good sources of iodine, as seawater contains dissolved iodine (Trujillo and Thurman 141). Consumption of natural sources of iodine such as seafood, fishes, sea vegetables, etc that originate in seawater are helpful for the prevention of goiter. Although both temperature and sea water affect the density of oceans, only salinity has a major influence on the density of the Polar Ocean. This is because of the extremely low temperatures at the poles. The temperature of the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Major Competitors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Major Competitors - Essay Example Smith & White maintains several strengths as a multi-national company. First, the business has a well-diversified product line including professional and consumer products which provide for higher sales revenue from multiple, international consumers. The company’s brand strategy is also a significant strength due to the unified brand messages which gives S&W dominant market share globally. The company further has already established brand equity, which means that customers recognize the company brand names and many prefer them. This gives the company powerful marketing edge. S&W products also have a quality reputation in the retail sales environment as Big Box retailers stock its products which give them more selling exposure. Weaknesses at S&W include financial issues such as costs associated with high labor in areas where old manufacturing plants are still being utilized. There is also market confusion regarding consumer and professional products, meaning that the two categories of products are not being distinguished or differentiated properly. Distributors also create weaknesses because the ones which S&W uses have a dominant position in the supply chain and take advantage of this position. The company’s sheer size, also, creates weaknesses for the company as it is not able to respond quickly enough or efficiently enough when rapid changes are occurring in the market. The cordless market is also growing quickly, however S&W does not have a very big market presence in the cordless product area, making this another weakness at the company. There are many opportunities for S&W, the first of which is to begin focusing areas of the business on the development of cordless professional and consumer products to gain a larger presence and earn higher revenues there. Secondly, S&W maintains opportunities to develop an appropriate rapid change training and development seminar to allow staff

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Impact of Culture on Conservatism Assignment

The Impact of Culture on Conservatism - Assignment Example l with the presentation of those principles encompasses judgment yet cultural dissimilarities may result in alterations in the submission of those criterions. For instance, in relating a regulation that needs acknowledgment of a dependent damage when its realization is â€Å"plausible,† accountants in more highly traditional countries might make a mistake on the side of traditionalism by instituting a lower possibility verge as compared to bookkeepers in less traditional nations. Different segments in which values might result in dissimilarities in the use of monetary recording regulations include segments in which approximation and decision are involved, guarantee cost, irrecoverable outstanding, income recognition, asset damage checks, outdated portfolios, etc. Cancan’s in-house inspectors are required to remain conscious that bookkeepers in these diverse nations might entertain value-oriented prejudices in the manner in which they relate the company’s bookkeeping rules. Bookkeepers in Korea and Brazil may be increasingly traditional (higher UA, lower IND) in relating Cancan’s accounting rules than the bookkeepers in Sweden (lower UA, higher IND). The in-house inspector needs to draw a timetable to do checks to define whether this prejudice is operative. Exigencies, guarantee amount, doubtful outstanding, income appreciation, asset weakening tests, and outdated portfolios are all segments which need significant decision-making capacity. Bookkeepers in Korea and Brazil may be increasingly traditional (higher UA, lower IND) in relating Cancan’s accounting rules than the bookkeepers in Sweden (lower UA, higher IND). The in-house inspector needs to draw a timetable to do checks to define whether this prejudice is ope rative. Exigencies, guarantee amount, doubtful outstanding, income appreciation, asset weakening tests, and outdated portfolios are all segments which need significant decision-making capacity. Besides, the bookkeepers in Brazil and Korea may be less inclined to give evidence demanded by the in-house inspectors due to of an upper range of confidentiality.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Communication and IT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication and IT - Essay Example This new technology has caused an important transition for medical records of patients- from paper to computer records. The conventional modes of maintaining customer’s medical history has been replaced by effective management of the electronic data records. Due to this technology, doctors can access the customers’ information from anywhere, where internet access is available. The electronic management of medical history of patients proves to be effective even during natural disasters or catastrophes like Hurricane Katrina or 9/11. Physical records cannot be available at such tragic times; however electronic medical records prove to be very effective. These records are maintained at several locations around the country so that such disasters do not result in the loss of data. Doctors may share their electronic medical records with other doctors. Such a practice facilitates discussions between doctors for devising the most effective treatment for patients with rare illne sses. Change of doctors can also be done in an effective manner since the medical history of the patient can be easily accessed by the new doctor. However, Freudenheim (2009) stated that some doctors hesitate in making the transition to the new systems due to the requirement of expensive infrastructure and personnel.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Performance Management and HR Budgeting for H2O Essay

Performance Management and HR Budgeting for H2O - Essay Example The purpose of performance management is to create significant performance indicators, so that employees can follow their own performance levels. This method can help them manage their activities, correct their weaknesses and provide a plan for the right processes to maximize their performance. Performance management measurement is about accountability – to the organization and then to one’s self. We can tell that the organization’s performance management system is working well if we notice the following signs: high morale for the members of the team; effective teamwork even across different departments; promotion decisions are well formulated; goals are achieved; people are motivated; appraisals executed effectively; and terminated employees are well informed of their performance. (Horwitz, 2005, p. 5) Performance management philosophies Performance management systems developed by organisations are based on the philosophy which emphasizes employee performance. T his system motivates employees to perform well and work for organizational objectives. Performance management philosophy refers to developing an organized method of evaluation that requires performance expectations, monitors the job of the employees, evaluates their performance, and uses the information from this evaluation for management decisions and also for providing resources. (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p. 11) A management philosophy may start with the hiring process. The initial step is to focus on an applicant’s goals, capabilities, career focus, and so on. As soon as the applicant passes the tests, he/she becomes a member of a high-performing team. The developed performance management system allows the employees to know the company’s performance requirements and incentives, based on job results, and also to acquire new ways how to effectively perform up to the next performance cycle. According to Kandula (2006, p. 11), performance management is the result of utilita rian instrumentalism, which means it encourages hiring human resource at the lowest cost, retaining employees as long as they are useful, and termination of the contract if it is not anymore effective. Organizational culture plays a critical role in the development of performance management in an organization. Organizations with a supportive or collaborative culture have the chance of developing performance management processes that share information about improving employee performance. A reward system may create a desired performance rather than a punitive system which may result in unsatisfactory performance. (Micklitsch & Ryan-Mitlyng, 1996, p. 18) Performance management includes all possible initiatives managers undertake to have high performance among employees. These initiatives focus on giving performance appraisal, rewards and recognition to motivate high performance (Heslin, Carson, & VandeWalle, p. 89). Performance appraisal is almost similar to the principle of performan ce management. Many organizations of today are still applying the traditional method of performance management, i.e. ‘the maintenance-oriented, regulatory and administrative human resource management’ (Kandula, 2006, p. 11). This is a barrier to the application of performance management practices. There is a resistance on the part of the employees, and it can slow down the