Thursday, November 28, 2019

Christmas Carol Essays - English-language Films, Film, British Films

Christmas Carol "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, is a story that is rich in metaphors that ultimately questions the morals and ethics of the author's society during the time of hislife, the industrial revolutionized society. In the story, the main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, is a greedy, rich accountant who is visited by his old business partner ghost, Jacob Marley. Marley's ghost tells Scrooge that he may face a penalty of becoming a lost soul if he continues to value money more than anything else in his life. He also foretells that Scrooge will be visited by three other ghosts that will give him the chance to redeem himself, and he can break an iron chain of greed that he has woven. Each time a ghost visits Scrooge, he will become more aware of the failures of the society he lives in. The ghosts will also let Scrooge see his contributions to those failures. As Dickens writes the story of the three visits, we are able to out more about Scrooge's inner self-character. We learn this about him as he finds out about his own fellow man and his community. The crux of the story is alluded to in the ingenious metaphors Dickens creeates to illustrate his own reflection on Nineteenth Century society. In the beginning of the story, Scrooge and his assistant Bob Cratchit are working at Scrooge's counting house on a very cold night, Christmas Eve. Scrooge's offices are nearly freezing, because of the dreadful weather. They depend on using coal to keep warm. Scrooge is satisfied with a very small fire that he barely keeps going. More than that he thinks is unnecessary warmth. On the other hand, Bob Cratchit's fire is nothing but one dying morsel of coal. "Scrooge had a very small fire, but his clerk's fire was so very much smaller that it looked like one coal." The irony in only using a small piece of coal is that they both had two entirely different reasons for not using more coal. Bob Cratchit is Scrooge's impoverished assistant, who can't afford to buy more coal to kindle up warmth in his office. If he had enough money to improve his working condition, he would. On the other hand, Scrooge had more than enough money to buy coal for his office and Bob's. He didn't find that necessary. Dickens makes reference to this as he shows how Scrooge doesn't find it necessary to build up more warmth in his office, or even to offer to keep his assistant's office warm, when he writes "But he (Bob Cratchit) couldn't replenish it (the fire), for Scrooge kept the coal-box in his own room; and so surely as the clerk came in with the shovel, the master predicted that it would be necessary for them to part." The situation is much deeper than it appears. Dickens has not only created a spiteful and stingy character, but he creates a Scrooge whose very body is cold. The fact that Scrooge doesn't mind that his office is cold reveals that he is both physically and mentally a cold person. Throughout literature the use of hot and cold plays as two basic metaphors for love and hate: loneliness. Scrooge doesn't need warmth as a result of being a malevolent and bitter person. He doesn't have family or friends to share his love and heart with, so he developed into a person who was numb to his own warm feelings. The only emotions that are left are the bitter ones he has for his society. Dickens uses Marley's chains as a metaphor as well. We should pay attention to what Marley and Scrooge were known for. Scrooge and Marley were both concerned about their money more than anything else that Dickens writes about. The two were so concerned about earning money, that the two didn't care how they got it. Each of them wanted to be alone. The chains that were "forged in life" by Marley were chains of guilt and sin. These chains were fashioned while Marley made money at other people's expenses, and were linked out of his lack of concern for what he did in life. Marley, like Scrooge, knew well of the poverty most people suffered. Their sins were that they showed no sympathy for unfortunate people. They both hid their sympathy in order to repress their guilt. Dickens writes more about Marley's greed when he describes Marley. "His body transparent: so that Scrooge, observing him, and looking through his waistcoat, could see the two buttons

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Assignment For Biochemistry Class Example

Assignment For Biochemistry Class Example Assignment For Biochemistry Class – Assignment Example Assignment for Biochemistry Sugar belongs to the carbohydrates category of biopolymers that interfere in the biological processes in the living bodies (Stick elevated triglycerides and insulin immunity through production of fat within the liver; diabetes from augmented liver glucose production mixed with insulin immunity; and the phenomenon of ageing, induced by damaged DNA, proteins and lipids by nonenzymatic adhering of fructose to them (Lustig, 2010). Thus it can be said that sugar poses similar toxic effects similar to alcohol on liver. As alcohol is obtained by the fermentation of sugar and is said to have similar properties of inducing pleasure although being a natural nutrient (Lustig, Schmidt, and Brindis, 2012).The government should regulate sugar supply but a ban like that imposed on alcohol and cigarettes. However the increased in-take can be limited by imposing taxes and removing subsidies on the over usage of fructose in the processed food items; limiting the availabili ty of fast food to younger people by imposing a complete ban on the sale of such products during school hours and by removing fructose form Generally Regarded As Safe list (Tappy et al, 2010). Yes sugar substitutes like artificial sweeteners are better for consumption as they do not disturb the blood glucose level. ReferencesLustig, R. H. (2010). Fructose: metabolic, hedonic, and societal parallels with ethanol. J AM Diet Assoc. 110, 1307–1321.Lustig, R. H., Schmidt, L. A. and Brindis, C. D. (2012). Public health: The toxic truth about sugar. Nature 482 (7383), 27-29.Muthana, S.M., Campbell, C.T., & Gildersleeve, J. C. (2012). Modifications of Glycans: Biological Significance and Therapeutic Opportunities. ACS Chem Biol. 7(1), 31-43.Stick, R., & Williams, S. (2009). Carbohydrates: The Essential Molecules of Life, 2nd ed. Elsevier. Tappy, L., LÃ ª, K. A., Tran, C., & Paquot, N. (2010). Fructose and metabolic diseases: new findings, new questions. Nutrition 26, 1044–104 9.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Effects of Environmental Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Effects of Environmental Pollution - Essay Example This paper analyses these effects with regard to air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution noise pollution, light pollution as well litter pollution. Environmental pollution presents both physical and biological effects. Physical effects of pollution are those that we can see. Nonetheless, they sometimes include environmental effects that do not cause physical damage. Biological effects on the other hand, are the most serious effect of environmental pollution. More than often, pollution has induced harmful biological effects on human health, and on the food chains of animals, marines and other living organisms. Thus, pollution can lead to a serious disruption of the balance of nature. In some extreme instances, pollution has caused death of human beings, both directly and indirectly. At this juncture, it is important to analyze the effects associated with each individual form of environmental pollution. The first and most prominent form of environmental pollution is air pollutio n. It refers to the introduction of chemicals and other biological material in the atmosphere. Air pollution causes harm and discomfort to human beings and other living organisms as well. ... Other health effects attributable to air pollution include asthma, reduced energy levels, headaches and dizziness, disruption of the endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular disorders as well as neurobehavioral disorders. According to the World health organization, close to three million deaths worldwide can be directly attributed to air pollution (Hill 82). Chlorofluorocarbons emitted in the air are also known to cause severe damage by depleting the ozone layer hence contributing to global warming. Consequently, global warming has presented more adverse effects on humanity. Global warming refers to ecological as well as social changes which have transpired as a result of a rise in global temperatures. The global warming has caused a plethora of adverse effects on human health. Scientists have evidence that global warming has generally the escalated prevalence of certain diseases is intricately interlinked to global warming. In this regards, the soaring deaths due to diseases suc h as diarrhea, malaria and dengue fever have been attributed to the adverse effects of global warming. Secondly, we have water pollution. This refers to the contamination of water bodies. In most cases, water pollution occurs when various pollutants are directly of indirectly released into the water bodies. It is also caused by the disposal of industrial waste products into lakes, rivers, oceans and other water bodies. Acid rain is also another palpable contributor of water pollution. This has adverse effects on both plants and water-dwelling organism besides human beings. According to Hill (63), water pollution is known to cause an estimated fourteen thousand death per day. Most of these occur as a result of direct

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bullying Causes School Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Bullying Causes School Violence - Research Paper Example Bullying involves â€Å"a person’s or a group’s intentional and hurtful action towards one person or more than one person and involves a complex interplay of dominance and social status† (Sutton, Smith, & Swettenham, 1999). Physical violence, slander, and verbal intimidation are just of the few manifestations of bullying. Incidence of bullying are so prevalent in schools that a national estimate of more than 1.5 million students bullying and being bullied on a weekly basis in the United States (Nansel et. al., 2001). By surveying more than 15, 000 students in grades 6 through 10, the researchers found that one in seven students is either a bully or victim. This research was also supported by different self-methodological reports which generally yields that a wide range of bullying prevalence estimated with as many as 75% of youth reported that they are being the target of peer harassment at least occasionally (Olweus, 1993; Cowie & Dawn, 2004; and Sanders & Phye, 2004). Such harassment may include physical contact, verbal assault, making obscene gestures or facial expressions, and being intentionally excluded. Although numerous programs have been created to decrease the violence and harassment occurring at school, there are indications from numerous studies that provide startling results about the frequency of bullying in schools. Such statistics suggest that bullying is quite common and not decreasing (Olweus, 1991; Glew et. al., 1997, and Bradley & Daniels, 2011). Because of this, there is a need to examine the implications of aggression, violence, and bullying among children and young adults across the country. Reactive and Proactive Bullying Because of the growing concerns of the prevalence of bullying in schools, researchers have begun to distinguish... This report approves that bullying is a serious matter involving a substantial number of students. No one knows at this point exactly what caused students such as Charles Andrew Williams, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, and Cho Seung-Hui others to shoot and kill their fellow students at school, but bullying is frequently mentioned as a possible contributor. The report released by U.S. Secret service that two thirds of school shootings have been caused by attackers who experienced bullying clearly showed how grave the bullying climate at US schools is. This essay makes a conclusion that bullying may be a barrier that impedes effectiveness of teaching, the primary mission of school personnel, yet recent studies found that evidence-based, whole-school approaches to bullying are rarely implemented in elementary schools. Implementing anti-bullying interventions in the elementary years, before bullying becomes a part of school culture, might improve schools’ ability to carry out their educational mission by improving students’ ability to focus on learning and establishing an atmosphere of respect early on. Well-conducted, comprehensive bullying prevention programs can be effective in reducing the number of bullying incidents and creating a climate that discourages bullying behavior. We should begin to look at bullying as a behavior fraught with inherent violence that can contribute to a horrific cycle of mayhem and at its worst, death of school children in the country. The information presented in this paper provides additional evidence of the need for elementary school personnel to implement bullying prevention programs, not only to prevent school shootings but also to prevent potential barriers to providing education: student feelings of lack of safety, belonging, and sadness.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Development of Maiolica across Islam and Christian Cultures Research Paper

The Development of Maiolica across Islam and Christian Cultures - Research Paper Example Anthropology, and more importantly archaeology which is a sub-field of anthropology studies the material culture of human civilization. Pottery is one of the more important material possessions for studying ancient cultures because in areas where pottery is found ways exist to date the area, study the meanings of symbols by what is on the pottery, and to discover something about the way in which pottery represents the living culture of that society. Maiolica pottery exists across Islam and Christian cultures. Maiolica is tin-glazed earthenware ceramic that is made opaque because there is an addition of tin oxide in the lead glaze foundation or in its background coat. Lead is no longer used making ceramics because it is an unsafe product. Maiolica has a dense, white glassy covering which does not become liquid when fired. This means that the decorations do not become runny or blurred on the whitish background. When the ceramic piece is fired at a low temperature the decorations become set and the piece has a unique white glow that comes from the tin oxide in the lead glaze (Mussachio 9). Maiolica was transported to Pisa via Majorca, which is likely how the pottery got its name. It was brought in by the Spanish Moors who brought the technique to the Italians in about the 14th century. The first evidence of this technology comes from around the 9th century Baghdad. Islamic pottery of this type began to spread by the 11th century and was used in buildings that were both religious and civic (Figure 1). The Crusaders likely introduced the pottery in Europe as a symbol of their victory over the ‘pagans’.... Eventually this change in trend dominated the pottery market in Europe for more than three hundred years. Figure 1. Friday Mosque of Herat, Afghanistan (Wikipedia). The first complex intended for the production of maiolica was found in Syria from the 8th century BCE. Other centers of ceramic pottery production from Islamic nations include Fustat from 975 until 1075, Damascus from 1100 until 1600 and Tabriz from 1470 until 1550. The addition of the metallic luster occurred in about 850 BCE in Mesopotamia and became spread across the Islamic nations in the 10th century up to the Iberian Peninsula. This technique comes from putting copper or silver into the oxide which is then mixed with ocher and applied to the enameled or glazed surface (Fuga 246). The development of maiolica comes from Islamic attempts to reproduce Chinese porcelain, but they did not have the technology to make their pottery using the high temperatures needed to create porcelain (Cooper 84) (Figure 2). Figure 2 East Persian Maiolica, 10th Century (Wikipedia). The effect of tin-glaze over pottery was an adaptation of the Egyptian use of the clear glaze, but had been invented a thousand years earlier by the Babylonians who had only used it on top of their bricks as there is no evidence of it being used on ceramic pots (Cooper 86). One of the reasons that maiolica was used in Islam households was that the use of precious metals and finery on the table was forbidden from the text of the Qur’an. This use of ornate looking pieces made from ordinary materials overcame this command from the Islamic holy book (Italian Pottery Journal). Figure 3 Hispano-Moresque Maiolica 13th Century

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of Economy on Low Income Communities

Impact of Economy on Low Income Communities 1. Introduction This assignment is about increasing inequality and its impact on low income communities. Measurement of the distribution of income that between individuals or households, making most of the income in a given country and those making very little. I will give out the real example and real cases refer to the Malaysia. Answer the entire assignment question. Question 1 1.1 Opinion According to the scenario income inequality increasing in US due to the various variations particularly the high impact of technology involvement in different sectors. The sudden technological development brings the big gap between high income communities and low income communities. According to the census reports income inequality is decreased during 1947 to 1968 by7 .5%. Whereas during 1969 to 1009 the trend is different so this is the big trend due to the technology growth in various sectors (Bligh, Philip, 2004) On this aspect organizations are looking high knowledge and high skill people and providing high income so the educated with high skill are achieving high income. So that the organization growth also increasing. To avoid the above situations the organization authorities as well as governments introduce schemes, policies to reduce the gap between high income community and low income community (Gentle, Michael, 2011) So the government must provide proper educational support, trainings to motivate the low income communities to reach better position. The other opinion the government also implements schemes to provide household items to satisfy the low income communities so that it will reduce the differences from high income communities (Wilkinson, Harry, 2010) 1.2 Real Causes Labor market situation is one of the cause because products producing with high technology so that organizations provided high wages opportunities. This technological change trend is due to global competition affect so there is a big variation in wage systems in Malaysia (Peel, Jeffrey, 2008) The second cause is due to the social issues impacted towards income inequality influenced low income communities. The Malaysia social issues also influence organization developments and growth so that the organization authorities emphasize on technological change to produce products according to the international standards. The income inequality along with social causes translates life styles of individuals in low income communities at Malaysia is a big impact because the low income communities not affordable the household things as per living system (Stephen, Robbins Neil Barnwell, 2006) The third cause is due to the race issue, wealth, identity and location influencing the income inequality impacts on low income communities Malaysia. The race discrimination impact is more so that there is a big gap between high income communities and low income communities at Malaysia. The income inequality with its economic variations due to gender is the major cost (David, 2009) 1.3 Real examples Figure 1 shows the Malaysia income inequality stands at 46.21%, this indicates the income inequality is an issue because of race issue. Malaysia is strong in tourism and manufacturing sectors but still due the race discrimination influencing the income inequality so it’s a big impact on low income communities (Bligh, Philip, 2004) Figure 1: Malaysia inequality Source: www.economic Planning.pdf Figure 2 sows the income inequality due to different race situations at its effects. The income inequality is also creating the social balance in Malaysia. This is also affecting the economic condition in Malaysia (Wilkinson, Harry, 2010) Figure 2: Coefficient of Malaysia Source: www.economic Planning.pdf The Malaysia income inequality towards low income community must solve because to controls the social impacts labor market issues and low income community wealth point of view so the government authorities to take action with proper budget allocate to provide education, training to low income community. So it is understands that the gap must be solve because to reduce social problems among low income communities. It also helps the low income community wealth and health of living styles and environment. Muziliza, (2012) Malaysia putrajaya must stop being in denial about wealth inequality and realise that hardship and poverty are also fuelling corruption, said the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah, he said the low earnings of a vast majority of households and noted that those struggling to make ends meet were exposed to petty corruption. Farhana R (2013)Coloured discourse on inequality in Malaysia, It was quite a clever title putting the right undertone to a heavily coloured discourse on inequality in Malaysia. Imbalances and inequality that have resulted in the past, persisted over time, or even taken different shapes and sizes, is very much felt on the ground, even if we don’t know enough to call it inequality the same way inequality is studied by academics and policy makers across the globe. Question 2 2.1 Community Organizers Importance The community organizers role is important to understand (Wilkinson, Harry, 2010) growing issues. Because the organizers must be supports to the governments to organize a schemes, programs and other method to supports the low income community groups. (Stephen, Robbins Neil Barnwell, 2006) The organizers collect the proper information from the industrial authorities to encourage the low income communities towards improving skills and knowledge so that the low income group differences will be reduced form high income groups communities. (Bligh, Philip, 2004) Community organizers also change the environment by understanding individually, group so that it brings big changes with support of government policies and regulations. So the major requirement is education as a prime development for low income group (Peel, Jeffrey, 2008) Question 3 3.1 To know about the impact of these changes? As per the scenario the community organizers identify the issue clearly develop proper plan to solve the impact on the changes. Even though the manufacturer provided proper resource to retailing the workforce but the wage impact is an issue so the agencies as well as organizational authorities must be implement to support work force in terms of cost of living by providing subsidy system.(Wilkinson, Harry, 2010) The manufacture authorities are the responsible to support workforce wage imbalance for living style so that must provide proper discount price products for workforce. In addition to that encourage the workforce to increase production by issuing incentives (Gentle, Michael, 2011) 3.2 what is being done to address? Address towards community organizers are also responsible to identify the issues as method above impacts on low income communities such as gender discrimination. The gender discrimination also brings a big wage gap between the groups. So the community organizers identify the issues to organize tops with government authorities, organization authorities to simplify the issues. Community organizer also identify the current situation in U.S on the gap to solve by proper organization authorizes implementing support systems through organizing a special trainings to improve towards technological skills so that it will helps to the low income community groups. 3.3 Who would you talk? U.S government are the major responsible to raise of income inequality, so the authorities must identify the strategy of income distribution, identify the labor mobility, identify the technology change like skills based approach identify the high income group inequalities and inequality geographically as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Inequality status globally Source:http://www. The governments are the responsible to measure the differences at various levels in income distribution and its weakness for example gender differences in inequalities is affected towards women community. So the governments are the responsible to argue with organization on minimum wage affects towards women services at different levels. 4. Conclusion In this assignment conclusion community organizer approach must understands that the income inequality impacts low income community is due to various factors such as political , economic, technological , social and ethical issues, so the community organizers request authorities are to identify the issues such as technological must support to the low income community to bring up better position in wealth. 5. References Foss, M Bryan, M (2012), International Global Services, London; Milford, CT: Kogan Page,pp12-325. Gentle, K Michael, G (2011), Globalization Behavior Principles handbook: building realistic expectations and managing Risk. London: Kogan Page, pp45-121. David, C (2009), Introduction Global Environment Boston, MA: Springer, pp9-126., (2014). What is income inequality? definition and meaning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2014]. Stephen P Robbins and Neil Barnwell, R (2006), Global Environment Theory, Australia: Pearson Education, pp12-276 Bligh, B Philip. U (2004), Global Environment Policies, Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, pp23-62. Muziliza, (2012) Malaysia putrajaya must stop being in denial about wealth inequality and realise that hardship and poverty are also fuelling corruption, from: Farhana R (2013). Coloured discourse on inequality in Malaysia, It was quite a clever title putting the right undertone to a heavily coloured (racial) discourse on inequality in Malaysia. From

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Stories Told Halfway :: Personal Narrative Sleeping Papers

Stories Told Halfway When I was sick I slept all day, in the shifting patch of sun on my bed. I woke up after fourteen hours and I saw that I had taken Sleep into me. And I thought, I understand why they called Sleep a god, why they gave him a face. If you sleep long enough, you let him in. You can feel the way he lifts your limbs and lets them fall again till they learn to hang, loosely, just so. You can feel the way his hands push down on the back of your neck, gently, and the lazy halo he brushes over the crown of your head with his fingers. You can understand why today he likes Sun, who paints a quiet coat of warmth onto your faded yellow sheets. You can feel him blink and stretch and curl up softly and let Sun paint him golden. And you can also understand why mostly he likes Night, who comes more quietly, dressed in cool gowns, trailing her nets and nets of stars to trap him in. You can see through his eyes, when you have just woken. Things come into your understanding slowly and you are content t o know them only halfway. You do not struggle for meaning. You can see how he blurs shapes into roundness. You can see how he breathes out quiet through you where you go, and you know he is there in the sleepy tilt of your head. And the people around you, when you have just woken, will see Sleep smiling in the lazy lines of your walk. This is Nick's favorite dream: He was being chased. He was all fear. He ran until he started to run on four legs. He felt the spring and the power and the motion that is a wolf running. It was daytime, morning. He followed a rough trail that wove through the woods. He ran and it was not strange. He did not even stop to think, I am a wolf. Only he was. The trail turned cleaner, shafts of new white light urging him on to the east. He was not feeling afraid anymore. He hadn't for a long time. The chase fell away and he was just running, all motion and speed. He came to a place deep in the forest where the trees were narrow and dense.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hermaphrodites and Society Essay

Individuals are given the gift of life when they are born into this world. Many agree that everyone is blessed and should not take their lives for granted. To be truly alive, individuals must be overjoyed and pursue happiness. However, others would describe their lives as a joke. To be precise, many would be ashamed of who they are. A very strong example of an ashamed soul would be Calliope, the main protagonist of Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. In the story, Eugenides tells the tale of Callie, who is supposedly a monster because she is a hermaphrodite. Being a hermaphrodite indicates that someone has the sex organs associated with both genders. By definition, Callie is an abnormal freak. Eugenides employs literary devices, such as tone, imagery, and personification, to express Callie’s shame and humiliation of being herself. Eugenides employs imagery to transport readers into Callie’s shoes and understand her shame of being a hermaphrodite. Callie describes herself as â€Å"being surrounded by illuminating faces bent over books, her hair covering the definition of herself. Normal individuals surround Callie, and she abruptly conceals the word monster to prevent anyone from realizing her true identity. In Callie’s point of view, normal individuals surround her, and she is in the center covering a secret that could ultimately ruin her reputation as a human. Callie is so frightened of being exposed to the world as a true monster. Callie makes a past reference of how she had experienced monster before. Callie addresses that â€Å"she was not looking at it in her bathroom stall. † She has the affirmation that someone had already known her as a monster, but she was too afraid to agree. Now, however, Callie is reminded of her past, and sadly acquaints past and present to reach the conclusion the she is indeed a monster. Callie also refers to herself as a â€Å"lumbering, shaggy creature pausing at the edge of the woods, as a humped convolvulus rearing its dragon’s head from an icy lake. † Callie truly visualizes herself as an actual monster, a freak of nature that is shunned by the world and lives in absolute seclusion. In her eyes, she is a grotesque beast that cannot even stand to stare at herself out of humiliation and shame. Callie is absolutely alone and is surrounded by others who look at her with disgust and wide eyes. Eugenides utilizes tone in the story to help readers develop sympathy and pity towards Callie. All throughout the passage, the tone of the story is serious. Callie acknowledges that â€Å"her mother was crying in the next room, and the doctors were working on Callie’s disease in secret. † The statements convey that Callie’s parents are also disappointed and ashamed of what their daughter has become. Callie understands that her mother sheds tears thinking what she has done to deserve a defected daughter. Callie’s parents are so ashamed and overwhelmed that they took Callie to New York to try and heal in secret instead of in the open. Callie’s parents do not want others to see what has happened to her out of concern for their daughter’s social life as a normal individual. The thoughts and emotions expressed give readers pity towards Callie and her condition. Callie muses that â€Å"she longed to be held, caressed, which was impossible. † Callie wishes to be comforted and surrounded by others that loved and understood her. Unfortunately, Callie views herself so much like a monster rather than an individual that she is too far long to be comforted by anyone. Readers infer that Callie is a freak with no friends, family, or loved ones. Eugenides also uses personification to display how Callie views the inhumane objects around her as also excluding her from humanity and pushing her towards being a monster. Callie enunciates that â€Å"fear is stabbing me. † Callie feels horrible about her discovery of being a hermaphrodite; she actually visualizes fear around her. Callie feels frightened and vulnerable to the thought of others singling her out and chanting the monster. Callie cannot even comprehend what she feels, but can only implore she is engulfed by fear and incapable of accepting her secret getting out. This also expresses Callie’s extreme shame of being who she is, as well as how others will view her as a non –human. Callie comments on the chain within the dictionary as â€Å"speaking of poverty, mistrust, inequality, and decadence as she held onto it. † Callie establishes a connection between herself and the chain as both being bound to the worst parts of human lives. Callie strongly grasps the word monster in her hand, as if she is bound to it like the chain is. Callie cannot detach herself because deep in her heart, she understands that she is a monster, no matter how much she wishes not to be. As Callie leaves the Reading Room, Callie also cannot release the word monster from herself. Callie appeals that â€Å"the Webster’s dictionary kept calling after her, Monster, Monster! † Callie is so attached and strongly understands herself as a monster that she hears the word everywhere she goes. No matter where Callie goes, the word monster will always haunt and pursue her, always reminding her of what she is. Callie interprets the chants of inanimate objects calling her monster, and she cannot help but feel ashamed and humiliated to be reminded of what she is. Calliope, all throughout the passage, is a hermaphrodite and a monster. A world of normal individuals surrounds Callie and do not understand what she is. Eugenides uses literary devices, such as imagery, tone, and personification to express Callie’s shame and humiliation of being herself. To be alive is truly a blessing, but is being abnormal in the eyes of peers a curse? Everywhere, there are individuals who are terrified and alone, and sometimes, no one comes to help them. Regardless of who they are, or whether they may be different, everyone belongs. No one is a monster.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on The Existence Of God

The argument of God’s existence has been going on from somewhere around early civilization. This argument has been raged between philosophers, scientists, and many others for centuries, but anyone making this argument clearly has little idea about what God really is. One thing I have noticed is that every philosopher argues for or against the definition of God given by Catholics/Christians. That is, God is a supreme spiritual being who is the creator of the universe, yet is everywhere, and can see everything; he is all knowing and forgiving. Plato definition of God is a craftsman that governs the universe. Aristotle’s version of God is not a personal being like we find in Christian tradition. His God performs no more acts of will or love than gravity. Aquinas’s God has inapprehensible divine essence, which is identical to his existence, and he directs all natural things to their end. Descartes God is an infinite perfect being that causes all effects including ideas. Hume on the other hand argues, that the cause of the finite world is unlimited, and only needs to be as great as it’s effect. Therefore, Hume does not believe there is enough evidence to conclude that there is a God. Throughout my life I have always questioned Catholicism, and what others take on as blind faith in God. We all know that someday we will die (physically), but we deny what may or may not happen to us after death. It’s far easier for humans to accept that we just die, or go to a safe place (heaven) than to question the existence of a superior being. Knowing all of this we still end up questioning the creation of humanity, the religious teachings provided by our parents, our church and our society. During this paper we will examine the many rational arguments for and against the existence of God. It is based on the views of some of the great philosophers of our world. COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS is that someone or something must h... Free Essays on The Existence Of God Free Essays on The Existence Of God The argument of God’s existence has been going on from somewhere around early civilization. This argument has been raged between philosophers, scientists, and many others for centuries, but anyone making this argument clearly has little idea about what God really is. One thing I have noticed is that every philosopher argues for or against the definition of God given by Catholics/Christians. That is, God is a supreme spiritual being who is the creator of the universe, yet is everywhere, and can see everything; he is all knowing and forgiving. Plato definition of God is a craftsman that governs the universe. Aristotle’s version of God is not a personal being like we find in Christian tradition. His God performs no more acts of will or love than gravity. Aquinas’s God has inapprehensible divine essence, which is identical to his existence, and he directs all natural things to their end. Descartes God is an infinite perfect being that causes all effects including ideas. Hume on the other hand argues, that the cause of the finite world is unlimited, and only needs to be as great as it’s effect. Therefore, Hume does not believe there is enough evidence to conclude that there is a God. Throughout my life I have always questioned Catholicism, and what others take on as blind faith in God. We all know that someday we will die (physically), but we deny what may or may not happen to us after death. It’s far easier for humans to accept that we just die, or go to a safe place (heaven) than to question the existence of a superior being. Knowing all of this we still end up questioning the creation of humanity, the religious teachings provided by our parents, our church and our society. During this paper we will examine the many rational arguments for and against the existence of God. It is based on the views of some of the great philosophers of our world. COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS is that someone or something must h...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Battle of Khaybar Essays

The Battle of Khaybar Essays The Battle of Khaybar Paper The Battle of Khaybar Paper Essay on the Battle of Khaybar The Battle of Khandaq, which took place two years after the Battle of Uhud, is one of the important battles that had an important role in eliminating the barriers blocking the development of Islam. This occured in the year 629 between Muhammad and his followers against the Jews living in the oasis of Khaybar, located 150 kilometers (95 miles) from Medina in the north-western part of the Arabian peninsula, in modern-day Saudi Arabia. Ahzab is another name for the Battle of Khandaq, which was given this name due to the trenches (khandaqs) dug around Madinah upon the order of the Messenger of God in order to stop the attack of the enemy easily. The name Ahzab (groups) was given to the battle because along with he Qurayshi polytheists, Jews, Ghatafans and many other Arab tribes and groups came together in order to attack Madinah. As it can be remembered, the Messenger of God had expelled Sons of Nadr, one of the Jewish tribes, from Madinah. They had gone to the north and settled in important places like Khaybar, Damascus and Wadi’l-Qura. They wanted to relieve the suffering they felt because of being expelled from Madinah by talking against the Prophet and Islam wherever they went and by provoking people against Muslims. One of the incidents that Sons of Nadr Jews caused to happen through their provocation, encouragement and leading is the Battle fo Khandaq. As, the Prophet had signed the treaty of Hudaybiyah with the Quraysh, he was not worried about the attack. He wanted now to teach the Jews of Khyber a lesson they wont forget because they were continuously intriguing against the Muslims and trying to destroy them. Their last try was at the battle of the Trench when they stirred their allies of Ghatafan to side with them against the Muslims, even thought they didn’t fight at the battle, they still had an important hand in lighting it up. So the Prophet decided to put an end to all their tries and go to Khyber and bring it down.

Monday, November 4, 2019

What Was the Connection Between Globalisation And the 'Third Wave of Essay

What Was the Connection Between Globalisation And the 'Third Wave of Democracy' - Essay Example This essay declares that globalization increases the potential mobility of financial capital, real investments, goods and services, and to a more limited extent, highly skilled labour. He argued that consequently, mobile economic actors are better able to avoid undesirable state regulations, or to profit from ones that are more advantageous. Thus, he said that â€Å"to the extent that countries depend on these actors, or on the resources they control, they are forced into a competition for locational advantage that has all the characteristics of a Prisoner’s Dilemma game, and that reduces the capacity of the territorial state to shape the conditions under which capitalist economies must operate. This paper makes a conclusion that the relations between them is complex, hence one could not be taken lightly hence it could not simply be said the globalization promotes democracy. As we have seen globalization could restrict nations dream for autonomy as democratic institutions. This must not be surprising as what could be observed of democracies returning to authoritarianism. What then is the relation between the two is governing by old contradictions between economic and politics. Since they politics and economics belong to different fields, so are globalization and democratization. These could not just be put together as one to influencing the other without really conducting further studies

Friday, November 1, 2019

Inresume and cover letter, find a job opening that looks interesting, Case Study

Inresume and cover letter, find a job opening that looks interesting, and then write a resume and cover letter for that job. Start by read the following in ProQuest - Case Study Example In this case, I find it fun and fulfilling to integrate new systems while working with my team members, which is challenging although the benefits enhance seamless and productive flow of work in an organization. In addition, I have managed to acquire management skills that enhance me to engage in a proactive management style, which provides me with essential communication skills to enhance teamwork. I am assiduous in staying up-to-date and maintaining a grasp on accounting information and knowledge. Hence, I undertake courses that enhance my ability in using the essential technology that are crucial in accounting. Therefore, I am proficient in Oracle, Hyperion, Ms. Excel, and SAP accounting programs. Moreover, I am a qualified accountant and registered with the ICA. I will pass this expertise to your company and ensure that your company benefited from the skills and knowledge that I have gained over time, which will ensure a positive outcome. I am look forward to this new challenge offered by your company. You can call me on [Your Number] or write to me on [email address] and I will be glad to discuss any other issue. I have gained the ability to carry out successful planning, implementation, maintenance, and management of financial tools and processes, which includes the processes of efficient training and integration of the systems in an