Monday, May 18, 2020

Analysis of The Jewish Religion Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling Free Essay Example, 1000 words

In the Talmud, Bammidber Raba c 21 posits that every Jew that spills the blood of the non-Jews is actually doing the same as making a sacrifice to God. I can affirm that the Talmud to this day circulates the blood of the Jewish religion. Whichever customs, laws, and ceremonies the people observe, the Talmud needs to be followed since it is a common law. As a modern Rabbi, the book informs me that socialism is the soul of Judaism. In the same way, we need to embrace diversity. There is much more than I have learned from Dilling s densely authored book, and so will many more readers. This is because Dilling critiques the pernicious practices and attitudes against the non-Jews as it is enshrined in the Rabbinical law and Talmudic law. Considering that the book was authored during the times of war, Elizabeth goes ahead and condemns the various unsavory internal together with external historical practices towards the Jewish communities. Furthermore, within the Jewish Communities themselv es, the all-powerful rabbinical courts kept the Jewish law and order. The court gave out punitive measures for those who violated the halacha laws. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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